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Give Mugz a piece of advice....

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Thanks Loch..

again you are wise and enlighten the Mugz(Gong sound effect*)

But since no one speaks I will pretend to be the board..

Ahem..here I go:


Gravity would say something like;

"Agree with me you pathetic two space typing ignorant looser..."

Power Puff would say:

"woops I posted as someone else before but gravity..tee-hee you are funny! Hellz YA!"

Resident would say:

" Go fry yourself you scientific babbling UFO cultist..and get me a med diploma on the way!"

Blackcentepede would say"


Clubhead would say:

"hmmm..Mugz and centepede posted at the same thread..hmmm you guys are the same people!"

Deana11 would say:

"go eat some laced pills and drop dead!"

Trippndance would say:

(I don't know..I actualy havent heard from All in a while but he always says something really cool and zen like..oh I know smile.gif

"Hey Mugz..feel the music man! We are a family..great to meet you at Twilo that night on Warren."

Carribee would say:

"yea but you yaped too much and you made me and Paula want to pee before we got into the club"

CathyO would say:

"Learn to spell you Doof!"


and everyone else would just read it and agree with one or the other...

gee posting shit as other people IS fun! cwm35.gif



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You must be insane - you are talking to yourself on-line - why not just talk to yourself and avoid the typing - It reminds me of the southpark where cartman is throwing the tea parties with the dolls!!

Anyway - u do make me laugh in a good way and even have good things to say sometimes!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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And Goat dude would say:

Originally posted by keshiki:

omg could you be any more annoying?

and mugz would reply:

You aint seen nothing yet Goatman! cwm35.gif



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by crobra:

You must be insane - you are talking to yourself on-line - why not just talk to yourself and avoid the typing - It reminds me of the southpark where cartman is throwing the tea parties with the dolls!!

Anyway - u do make me laugh in a good way and even have good things to say sometimes!!


(mugz gets an idea..runs over to his doll collection and starts to write names with a big black marker on his toys.)

OK..YOUUUU are Ichigoat (sits doll next to computer)

And youuuuuu are ReginaP (sits raggedy ann, like doll next to the potatoe head doll labeled ichiGoat)

and youuuuuuuuu are Gravity!

(Mugz puts a Gary Coleman doll on his lap)

and you.....are....



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Originally posted by mugwump:


(mugz gets an idea..runs over to his doll collection and starts to write names with a big black marker on his toys.)

OK..YOUUUU are Ichigoat (sits doll next to computer)

And youuuuuu are ReginaP (sits raggedy ann, like doll next to the potatoe head doll labeled ichiGoat)

and youuuuuuuuu are Gravity!

(Mugz puts a Gary Coleman doll on his lap)

and you.....are....

Oh and I'm neither a redhead(although I do think redheads are very pretty--hi laura)nor raggedy, but hey, have fun playing with your toys.




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Mugz----go get yur prescription re-filled dear...but you got my ha ha bone workin.

excuse me...I must go relieve myself


we live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves.

The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone.

Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ectasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain

By it's very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude

Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies- all these are private and except through symbols and second hand, incommunicable.

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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i've pretty much ignored everything you've said . . . but lemme get this straight . . . you think you're a DOG? confused.gif

i took E to the point of immunity, other drugs till my friends wanted to beat my ass to get me to stop . . . but i NEVER EVER got THAT fucked up or have any long-term effects (other than being a crackwhore, that is)

please, continue having conversations with yourself, you are quite amusing i will have to read your nonsense more often . . .






AIM: loves2cox

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someone shut this fucking dude up. nonsense and more nonsense spews out of this mugchump's mouth.

you ain't funny. you're not remotely close to being funny. do us a favor and give it up.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Originally posted by vagrant:

someone shut this fucking dude up. nonsense and more nonsense spews out of this mugchump's mouth.

you ain't funny. you're not remotely close to being funny. do us a favor and give it up.

And yet I keep seeing you in Mugz posts...hmmmm! Sounds like your a closet Mugwump post reader! Come on fess up! YOU LOVE IT! WOOF....(jen squats and urinates on vagrant'shoes)

I like Brandie though (licks Brandie's face)

I AM a dog. I'm just borrowing My masters screen name for the day.



[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

Blue, I was referring our esteemed host for this thread, not you. I thought your comment was on point, and sought to expand on it.

Oh . . . hehe . . .sorry. Don't mind me, I'm still drunk from this past Friday! cwm32.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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OK..sorry..My dog's been on the computer again!

Glad to see everyone back to their jolly ol'selfs again this Monday!

I apologize for Jen's imature come backs. Dogs tend to be juvenile and almost child like by nature.

she's still pissed off about Saturday night at Twilo.. In any case carry on..

I'm listening.."dont drive while drunk yes..yes..(Mugz takes notes of advice)

Oh and everyone else ..ahem.."I Know you are but what am I..na-na ni boo boo.."



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mugwump probably wouldn't be half as bad if he stopped using separate lines for every nonsensical sentence he writes- paragraphs were invented for a reason. also, his dog newspaper article was mildly amusing the first 30 times he posted it, but it's getting old and is now more painful than a migraine. it would further help if he stopped referring to himself in the third person as well- ie 'mugwump kisses clubman *MUAH*'


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