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I am the happiest dude in the world. Yes ladies and gentelman, boys and girls it is true. Twilo's days are outnumbered. Outnumbered for how long you ask? That I dont know but there definately will be a Twilo court ordered closing for at least a few weeks in the upcoming month. Yes ladies and gentelman you heard me correctly. My praiers and daily phone calls to City Hall have finally paid off that fucking Twilo shit hole will finally be shut down. YEs!!!

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Why do I hate Twilo So much? I'll tell you why. Because that fucking place gives all the clubs in the city a bad fucking name. All the kids come down there and do their drugs, let me tell you something cobra, it's not a coincedence that so many drug over doses happen there. You don't see shit like that happening in Float, SPa, Lotus or any other legit place like that.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

You don't see shit like that happening in Float, SPa, Lotus or any other legit place like that.

Alright, now you're gettin' a lil outta hand. Believe me, even though I've been goin to Twilo lately, I'd still love to see them get shut down so maybe they'd get some staff and mngmt that aren't a bunch of monkey fuckers.

But you can't even compare twilo with clubs like float and spa. Float and Spa shouldn't even be called clubs. No one there gives a fuck about the music or the DJ's.

I'd rather be surrounded by a bunch of druggie's that care about the music (at twilo), then a bunch of yuppies, that wanna see and be seen, and get drunk outta their minds so they don't have to feel guilty about having sex with some random stranger they don't even like (at spa/float).

But twilo mngmt still def. needs a kick in the balls smile.gif



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OK chill out, this is just a web-site remember....

Oh yeah and your little LEGIT clubs bring in names like...uhhh DJ WHO? and we all want to spend money to sit at a table, in tight pants, with Joey Baggadonuts...

One more thing...YOU DONT NEED TO DO DRUGS TO GO TO TWILO!!!!! Maybe you need drugs at your little clubs........ughhhh! We go for the music and the family not to say "oh we went here or there", shut up!


"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

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Ohhhh..dont make me post my doggie again!

That's ok Bastardino can stay as faaar away from Twilo as he wants. It'll never go down. Too much $$ being pumped into that machine!

But that's cool..if more people get pissed off and go else where maybe there will be more room for me to dance!



"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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Originally posted by bastardino:

You don't see shit like that happening in Float, SPa, Lotus or any other legit place like that.

sorry Spa is a place for beautiful people not for music lovers ! and plz there is at least as much shit there going on as at Twilo. cwm43.gifcwm44.gif


I move smooth under water.


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Twilo is such a mess its a shame.I love the club and I live for Junior Vasquez but the club has gone mainstream.530 west 27th street has so many memories.Its amazing when Gay men were over dosing on that liquid shit you did'nt hear about it in the papers,or wanting to shut down the club,but now that the straight kids are doing the same all of a sudden its lets do this,lets do that.Totally fucked up if you ask me.


Sound Factory-1989-1995

Divas To The Dance Floor...Please.WERK BITCH!!

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Fuck all you haters and the horses you rode in on....please mr david marvisi has more house dealers workin in Exit than patrons...such ignorance and hatred on this board sometimes it makes me sick...you can stick to your Dj.Tony Draper ny hard house bullshit...your not wanted at Twilo anyway with all you negativity..If you actually gave the club a chance you might like it..By the way all those "beautiful people" places, all there is there are the coked up whores lookin to get laid and all the wannabees with their fake gucci shades....you can keep them



"Out of the smog, into the fog, he walks in, hes ready for victory, he walks again by night, ruthlessly, meeting with the unknown-Jeru the Damaga


Matches-02.gifStIcKs coming soon to a party or club near you!!!

We'll spit fire on you

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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FUCK TWILO! GLAMOUR CLUBS ARE IN! Just because they don't bring in a "trendy" DJ with a catchy name (Paul Van Dick) or (Sasha and Dickweed) doesn't mean their music is any worse than Twilo. Honestly, I think people at Twilo are fucked up to an extent that you could stick any resident DJ from any one of these clubs and no one at Twilo would even know the fucking difference.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

FUCK TWILO! GLAMOUR CLUBS ARE IN! Just because they don't bring in a "trendy" DJ with a catchy name (Paul Van Dick) or (Sasha and Dickweed) doesn't mean their music is any worse than Twilo. Honestly, I think people at Twilo are fucked up to an extent that you could stick any resident DJ from any one of these clubs and no one at Twilo would even know the fucking difference.

wow...hows it feel to be workin with a half of a brain cell??

You know NOTHING


(((((((Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the light))))))Dylan Thomas (Even early 20th century poets hated to leave the club)....

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves.

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Yeah! None of us would know the difference ...my last point...nice that you only know the commercialized Dj names (hee hee)...It makes me happy that you don't go to Twilo...PLUR!


"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

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