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Is burning a CD stealing from the artist?(music or other wise..what do you think?)

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So I pop in my friends Cd the other day and I watch it chug along as it burns onto a clean virgin one in my burner.

Suddenly I start to feel guilty!

Am I actualy STEALING from this DJ? The record label?

Should I care?

Then I start to look over all the pirated programs I've cracked and suddenly I see a vision of big companies ruling over smaller technology and softwear developers..

what would happen to the two braniacs from "propeler heads softwear" if they go under because instead of selling the great music making softwear they offer everyone starts ripping their shit off and cracking it!

I smell Bill Gate's pockets growing as I type this!

(Who else feels bad about burning? Who thinks it's all a part of the inevitable evolution of free art? Who thinks Mugz is still rambling?)




"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-25-2001).]

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Think of what you used to do before we could burn CD's. How many tapes did you make before this?? Please, when I was little I would sit next to the radio and wait for my favorite song to come and so I could record it from my little boom box. It's not stealing, it's borrowing. Do you tape movies? Same idea.



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yeah, these artists really look like they're struggling...with only three bentleys and four benz's, etc. i see their point, and i do believe they have a legit beef...but it is the future of music. as far as mixes go, two years ago names like peters and tenaglia meant about as much to me as....well....they didn't mean much. now i base where i go out on who will be spinning. so, they still get their cut of my paycheck too! cwm30.gif

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guys...i think we should take a little responsibility here

first, im not being a hipocrite or however you spell it...i burn cd's but i accept the fact that its stealing

its not borrowing because you dont give anything back!

i know everyone does it but copying tapes and getting songs off the radio is stealing too...im not even saying its wrong, i couldnt agree more about how the artists have more money then they know what to do with, i think everyone should just admit that it IS stealing



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And where does sampling fall into this?

Is DJ shadowa THIEF?

Or any other DJ that's ever sampled a riff...

or movie clip or vocal from another song..

HELL! DOES a DJ even fall into that label AT ALL for selling a CD with tracks HE spins that may have samples pieces from other tracks...






"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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