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who here drives a stick?

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Stick deffinatley sux in the city, but I honestly love driving stick, haha, i just thought of one time when i was driving around in my car, and i was pretending i as in one of those arcade game cars, you know the ones you sit in, it was so funny, haha.




"To sEe YoU wHeN i WaKe Up, iS a GiFt I dIdN't ThInK cOuLd bE ReAl. To kNoW ThAt yOu FeEl tHe sAmE aS I dO, I iS a ThReE fOld uToPiAn DrEaM. YoU Do SoMeThInG tO mE tHaT i CaN"t eXpLaIn. So wOuLd i Be OuT oF LiNe iF i SaId i MiSs yOu...."


ThE PHaZoN....InJeCtInG SoNiC StImULuS iNtO a CrOwD Of ThOuSaNdS BeGgInG fOr, AnD rEcEiViNg, CoMmUnAL ReLeAsE.

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Originally posted by cuteboobie:

personally, i would never get a stick to drive in the city...its hard enough as is

Yep.. I really wanna learn but honestly, driving manual in the city looks like such a pain in the ass!!! A lot of my friends have manual and they constantly have to shift it! A pain smile.gif

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Does anyone get all confused looking for the clutch in an automatic after you've been used to stick?


I have been driving sticks on and off over the last 11 years. First vehicles I ever drove were sticks with manual steering. You learn how to park with them and you are good.

I have to get rid of my stick (sports car) here next month. Looks like another auto coming next.




AIM: JDoggNY2000


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Originally posted by translucent:

"foreign job?" Your "American" SU fawking V is made in Canada.

Canada is our 51 state. See any problems here? I don't...


March... a month of bad music. April.. a month of pure nightmares.


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i have to say that i don't understand all the people that say "stick sucks in the city"...

that makes no sense...

by saying stick sucks in the city you are implying that it is good on highway...but on highway, you never change gear...so basically on highway, a stick is like an automatic...

so what the f@#$...just say you don't like stick...but don't say "stick sucks in the city but otherwise it's good"...

the whole purpose of having a stick is for city traffic...because you can change gears whenever you want...don't have to wait for the processor to change the gear like in an automatic...and so you can be more aggressive, responsive, etc...and therefore pass people and get from point a to point b in less time and more fun...

i f@#$in' love driving in nyc...it's the best...



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