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Mugz week in review (what did YOU learn on the boards this week?)

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Well it's Friday once again..HURAY!

And it's been a looong week for your ol' pal Mugz over here..both in real life and in Club P. (Mugz aranges his arm sling and limps from his beating earlier this week)

I took some preaty hard beatings from certain members in Club P and I made some preaty good friends with others that stood by my silly rants and raves..

All in all it was fun though (Hey between comopsiting Flash animations for AT&T and reading you guys freaking out over doggie photos I'll take the later.)

But in any case I'm sure we ALL learned a little something in here so now it's time to share.

Here's what I learned looking back:


* I can't spell for Ka ka (but I already knew that.)

* "Fuck" was a word derived by horny kings

* Club P dosen't like blue haired dogs hogging the boards and pretending to be Mugz.

* PLUR is alive in "concept" with some of you but DRAMA has replaced the dance floors of NY for MOST of you.

* The FEDSs read our boards and take us very seriously (over all the pipe bomb building web sights and pedo-rapists..they just hang out HERE!)

* Most say people hate Twilo and then post reviews on Monday about how great the line up was.

* It is better to drop drama to set folders on fire than to post about music.

* Mug's needs to stop refering to himself as






double space shit! (it aperantly is a seriouse offense in here)

* and lastly Mugz still loves you all and hopes that one day WE can regain the dancefloors with the positive vibe of yesterday..put ALL egos aside and UNITE!

* ....we ARE a family ,and all families have a mix of screwing characters just like YOU....






(plur...Maudy aka: Mugz~)

--------------------------------------------- cwm38.gif



"Cartoons are the real deal. I think humans are the FAKES!"

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-27-2001).]

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I learned this week that- Mugz = DRAMA.... I also learned that he is hysterical and can take a lashing... Keep up the great work, Mugz.... Your posts keep everyone alive, on edge, and on their toes....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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i think he is 100% on target with everything he said this past week..

and this last post..

people do bitch about Twilo and how they are treated and they are right back on line that weekend.. giving up there 30- 40 hard earned dollars to get searched for no reason what so ever..LOL

hate me if you want, i could care less these are just message boards where people can express themselves

please dont take this too serious

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* I learned that comedy is funniest when it is most on target.

* Mugz can take a good beating.

* Double spacing is fun.

* In retrospect, not having access to the board 2 out of the last 4 days saved me alot of stress, but hurt my post-count (JK).

* Mugz really does have terrible spelling.

* The concept of PLUR is lost on many, but not on those that matter to me.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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well, love him or hate him, mugwump is definitely a good sport. it's good to see someone on this board who doesn't react to criticism like an angry 12 year old.

thankfully, his dog appears to have lost the ability to type and read.

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Originally posted by pwoofo:

well, love him or hate him, mugwump is definitely a good sport. it's good to see someone on this board who doesn't react to criticism like an angry 12 year old.

thankfully, his dog appears to have lost the ability to type and read.




"Cartoons are the real deal. I think humans are the FAKES!"

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-27-2001).]

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I learnt

Cazz actually does want's to be English.

Drama is still alive and kicking in NY (have you noticed it's ONLY the NY board that has a drama section).

I am gay.

Boa boys accent is crap.

PLUR is meaningless and just a MDMA induced euphoria.

Nobody wants to buy my petrol powered dildo

Wizard is a girl pretending to be a guy.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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I learned that just like that commercial - mugs takes a licking and keeps on ticking!!

I learned that there are some nice people on the board who help each other out when we have problems - (thanks emo for the info, it really helped my paper)!!

I learned that people need to relax and not take things so seriously!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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