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What would your life be like without the internet?

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besides CNYC?

i would have lost touch with so many people from high school, college, and other random places.

i never would have been exposed to the amount of information that is out there- the whole knowledge is power notion, and every essay i've written in the past 6 years.

music- never would've downloaded lyrics, guitar tabs, or songs and sites by people i never would hear or buy the albums of.

the list goes on and on smile.gif

this is only the beginning of the revolution, and CNYC has definetly exposed me to that fact that whole communities exist where people from around the world are conversing and exchaning ideas. . .


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -anais nin

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the internet does make it easier to keep in touch!!

It's so much easier to send out a e-mail to people, than to have to call them or meet-up!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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i know isn't that crazy how the internet is such a big part of our lifes(at least mine)...the internet was just beginning with mosaic, nsca and the www, when i came to this country in 1994...and i have been growing with it...i came here to study, so i was in a big university with 24hrs access to computer labs and internet...

and i had actually just learned of email back in france reading a times magazine two months before i came...i remember thinking to myself "what is this email thing?...i guess i'll find out soon when i get to the u.s...."...and now i can't even start to comprehend how different my life would be without the internet...especially since i live abroad(here in the us) and far from my family...



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I got online around '94...I think. There was only one time that I had lost my connection for about a week last year and I thought I would die!

Not for stuff like this but even things like Mapquest, reverse lookup on freeality, email, people searches...just all the everyday things.

You really have no idea how hooked you are on it until it's gone. Kinda scary!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Guest crystalmethodny

I've used the internet and online connection since the days of Quantum Link on the Commodore 64 and separate underground message board systems.

I realize... I'd be much more productive in real life if this wasnt around, but then it'd be boring?


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"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

I've used the internet and online connection since the days of Quantum Link on the Commodore 64 and separate underground message board systems.

o' chap, the good o' days. i had a commodore 64, and the "top-of-the-line" system: '286 w/ 1mb ram, 10mb hd, DOS, my ultrafast 1200bps modem, and all those underground bbs's. hah!

and back then, the gen'l public didn't have access to the internet; it was a system used only by academic and gov't institutions, a network borne out of the 60's-cold-war era.

sorry, didn't mean to bore you w/ a history lesson. (just nolstagia... cwm1.gif ) yes, i'm officially 72 yrs old.




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well i probably wouldnt have met half the friends i have now... and i would definately have lost touch with friends from high school and stuff



"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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Life without internet....?

(mugz looks around his white padded cell and at the lap top in front of him and starts to shake uncontrolabley..foaming at the mouth.) cwm31.gifcwm31.gifcwm31.gif



"Cartoons are the real deal. I think humans are the FAKES!"

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Sharon--Well hon since this is your thread, I'll start with you--I never would have met you w/o the internet!! tongue.gif Well maybe through someone that went to Frisch...I still think Jewish geography links more people than the 'net wink.gif.

I definitely would have lost in touch w/ a lot of people and had a harder time researching for papers...although I have to tell you, there is still a lot more info on literature in books than on the internet.

Hope you're having a good morning/afternoon, and I'll talk to you soon smile.gif




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