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HELP...Ladies and Gentlemen...


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OK guys here the situaton... I met Jimmy like three months ago... we clicked right away and started hangn' out all the time.. we both love to do the same things partying and otherwise.. anyway we've gottin' really close in the past three weeks.. I'm really confused... There are days that I think I'm falling in love with him and then there are days that i think "i'm definitely not.." Sometimes I'm attracted to him and sometimes I'm not... I don't know where the confusion lies???? He on the other hand is totally in love with me and has told me so. I told him the other week that I just wanted to be friends but then I don't know what happened and I told him I wanted to be with him and then now I feel like I don't. There are so many things involved though , my boyfriend and I broke up last June, we were together five years.. I haven't been single all that long and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up so soon.. I'm only 21 that's soooo young still especially after five years... I also don't know whether I just really love him as a friend and am gettin' confused with being in love. I'M GOIN' FUCKIN' NUTZ!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if what I'm writing doesn'tmake any sense. I'm just rambling trying to figure out what the fuck is goin' on. The other thing is that I feel sooooo bad for him. He knows I'm confused and don't know what to do. He says he understands, but wants me as his girl. It's not fair to him to keep pullin' him one way and then the other. I understand that but I don't know what to do. I think I fear making the wrong decision or something, Do you guys think we should just be friends and see what happens, But I don't want him to wait for me and if I say we should just be friends he says he'll do whatever to make this work..I don't know man, please help..I'm hurtin' right now, we're goin' to the club tonight so if anyway can tell me anything before we go out it would be greatly apprecaited thanx guys, with luv cwm1.gif


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Ok I've been through the exact situation you are speaking of.....with one exception. I was the guy that you are friends with. (not literally obviously, but in that position) I was best friends with a girl named Jayme for 3-4 years. Close as hell. She knew how much I loved her b/c I would let her know as much as I could. She had a boyfriend for like 2 years and when they were having problems I was there for her. Eventually they broke up and we started messing around and things got real serious real quick. I can honestly say out of all the times I've had sex in my life, with her, it was the first time I really MADE LOVE. Anyway to get off that, she ended up going back to her x and she really hurt me and it's been over 2-3 years now and we never really spoke again. And like I said this was my best friend of over 3-4 years. It was all thrown away for 2-3 weeks worth of what I THOUGHT was love. She was just confused and I got hurt bad b/c of it. My advice to you is just be sure you are over with your man before you do anything with him. Sometimes as hard as it may be, or as hard as it may be to resist, a good friendship is a horrible thing to lose.....GOOD LUCK!

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

I think u should start seeing each other, but no commitment as a bf/gf yet, since u dont know what to do yet, and what ur feelings really are for him yet.

Take it slow and then see what it develops into. are u guys just friends now?? or messing around???

Yeah we already messed around and we're friends!?


live, love, experience, be happy, dance, smile, laugh, open your eyes, talk, share, frolic, feel, listen, taste...like you never have before...

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Originally posted by dopebeatz:

Ok I've been through the exact situation you are speaking of.....with one exception. I was the guy that you are friends with. (not literally obviously, but in that position) I was best friends with a girl named Jayme for 3-4 years. Close as hell. She knew how much I loved her b/c I would let her know as much as I could. She had a boyfriend for like 2 years and when they were having problems I was there for her. Eventually they broke up and we started messing around and things got real serious real quick. I can honestly say out of all the times I've had sex in my life, with her, it was the first time I really MADE LOVE. Anyway to get off that, she ended up going back to her x and she really hurt me and it's been over 2-3 years now and we never really spoke again. And like I said this was my best friend of over 3-4 years. It was all thrown away for 2-3 weeks worth of what I THOUGHT was love. She was just confused and I got hurt bad b/c of it. My advice to you is just be sure you are over with your man before you do anything with him. Sometimes as hard as it may be, or as hard as it may be to resist, a good friendship is a horrible thing to lose.....GOOD LUCK!

Thanx, I am over my other man I think I just don't know what I want.. I do know that I don't want to hurt him or lose him as a friend. I appreciate you sharin' smile.gif


live, love, experience, be happy, dance, smile, laugh, open your eyes, talk, share, frolic, feel, listen, taste...like you never have before...

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Originally posted by antvill:


Your right and that's great advice I feel it,man it's just it's thrown in my face all the time because I see him all the time you know..thanx dude



live, love, experience, be happy, dance, smile, laugh, open your eyes, talk, share, frolic, feel, listen, taste...like you never have before...

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Well.. You gotta take things slow. Obviously things are going too fast if you are so confused and keep changing your mind about it. And if you have ANY doubt whatsoever that you want to be WITH this guy, do NOT tell him that you DO wanna be with him. That's just a really HORRIBLE thing to do.. And it hurts. Nobody deserves that emotional rollercoaster when a person keeps changing their mind all the time! Just go with the flow and see what happens. No need to rush into a serious "relationship". Being in this state of uncertainty and just messing around while figuring out what your feelings are is totally ok IMO. As long as there are no promises or serious statements made. I just hope you don't hurt this guy - that doesn't mean that you HAVE to be with him, just explain how you feel and don't constantly change your mind on him (at least don't tell him if you do).. With some time you will be able to figure out whether you want him as a bf or a friend..

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