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how many of you have had.......


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how many of you have had a bad trip while rollin? this question should go to the other board but thought id get better responses here. for example this past weekend i went to the giant (a club near me) and christopher lawrence and sandra collins so there was nothin but high energy in there. so my g/f and i wear dancin as always and meeting people while dancing. my g/f then started dancing with this asian girl and all of the five minutes later the asian girl took my g/f outside and asked her to protect her from her dad. and my g/f looked at her and said why, big mistake. the asain girl started trippin hard by telling us that her dad makes her give him oral sex and that he cages her also. she was freakin out. so my g/f and i did our thing by bring up to a good level and started talking to her and made her feel good about herself but i couldnt beleive that she would come out and start sayin stuff like that to strangers. and i know it was the e that was bringing it out but damn, theres somethings that ive done and havent told a sole about even when on e. but i guess it was her way venting what her father is doing to her. so we gave her some advice and our numbers to call us if something like happens again.

anyone else have any other stories to tell about bad trips?



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how old is this girl? i don't know how socially responsible or personally concerned you are, but you can report this. if a roll is enough to lower her inhibitions to tell these things to strangers, it sounds like a pretty desperate cry for help. she wants someone else to know of her situation and, like you said, give her some protection from her father. although she may outwardly be angry at having her "secret" betrayed to any form of authorities, i think at very least subconsciously she is seeking intervention

i'm sorry you and your gf are involved, on the level of knowledge, in such a bad situation. but i'm more sorry that such fucked up things happen to people such as this girl

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