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First date?

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Just for the record I don't date. But I've only have been on four dates my whole life. I suggest an activity where the two of you can do something together (shows bonding) instead of going to see a movie where you can't talk to one another. My suggestion is going to a museum/gallery opening, going to play pool, wine tasting, bowling (yes I've done that tongue.gif), walking in the park (on a nice day of course wink.gif), or check out a lounge. I can't think of anything else. But see where it goes from there an then have a couple of area restaurants in mind that you guys can go to afterwards when you guys are famished. Then at dinner, you'll have plenty to talk about! Hope it works out.

-Jamms "drjammyjam"


Wo ist die Partei? face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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This largely depends on circumstances. For instance, how long have you known her? Have you been friends, or did you just meet her? How did you meet? If this is basically a complete stranger, then keep it simple and basic cuz you can't even be sure you really like her. A casual dinner, or even just chillin at a lounge for drinks so u guys can get to know one another. However, if you like-like her, or know you def wanna date her, then a little extra umpf is called for. "Umpf" doesn't mean an expensive dinner or more money or anything, it just means- if you dig her, then put some thought into showing her. Not for nuthin, but I love flowers, and of all the dates i've ever gone on, only ONE guy ever brought me flowers...so simple, yet so sweet. I know that's not the most ctreative example, but Jammy threw out a few good ideas if wanted to do somethin with a little more sauce. ALSO- do somethin YOU like, not *just* somethin you think she would like...if she digs what you dig, then you'll know you guys r compatible. Good luck! cwm38.gif


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

AIM: Jewel44317

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Somewhere where you can talk, NOT a movie etc. I always think a meal is good because you can have a chat, not somewhere to flash somewhere you can talk without being up tight.

Then a walk on the beach after, it's important to get to know somebody a.s.a.p and not waste time IMO.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Thanks Jammy and Jewel for the great ideas. You have put me in the right direction. Yes, I met this girl last weekend, won her over with a brief chat. Called her up yesterday, and now I have a Sunday date. Thanks again!

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Originally posted by chezman:

Thanks Jammy and Jewel for the great ideas. You have put me in the right direction. Yes, I met this girl last weekend, won her over with a brief chat. Called her up yesterday, and now I have a Sunday date. Thanks again!

hey! good luck buddy smile.gif

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Thanks everyone for the good tips. We have alot in common, I found out she's into anime, cars, food, and of course, clubbing. I plan on doing that for our next time out. I just wanted some new ideas, did not want to do the run of the mill movie and dinner thing. Thanks all!

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