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~hey guys~i just need to vent b/c no body is around...last week someone i went to high school w/ died...i wasnt that good of freinds w/ him but still...and then today i just found out a really good friend of mine from high school just died like a day ago i cant take this!! i feel like im losing everybody im close with! cwm33.gif

well i just had to let a lil' out...thanks guys...have a good weekend.





email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

[This message has been edited by clubindiva (edited 03-16-2001).]

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Originally posted by clubindiva:

~hey guys~i just need to vent b/c no body is around...last week someone i went to high school w/ died...i wasnt that good of freinds w/ him but still...and then today i just found out a really good friend of mine from high school just died like a day ago i cant take this!! i feel like im losing everybody im close with! cwm33.gif

well i just had to let a lil' out...thanks guys...have a good weekend.




Close? What's your definition of close if you haven't seen someone since highschool?

Plus you admit that one of those ppl you weren't even close with. Please spare us this morbid gossip shit. Go to an aol chat room for that.






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ok. if you read what i said u wouldnt have said that. i said that last week someone i went to high school w/ died. and just yesterday my good friend who i do see all the time im just away at school right now...died. okay. so im sorry if you dont want to hear my sob story but give me a lil' sympathy. thanks a lot! im not tryin to start any drama. but whatever. nevermind i even said anything!!


email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

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Originally posted by clubindiva:

ok. if you read what i said u wouldnt have said that. i said that last week someone i went to high school w/ died. and just yesterday my good friend who i do see all the time im just away at school right now...died. okay. so im sorry if you dont want to hear my sob story but give me a lil' sympathy. thanks a lot! im not tryin to start any drama. but whatever. nevermind i even said anything!!

WHy phrase it like that? There has too be a reason why you didn't say "MY 2 real good friends died". That would tell us that you were close, at least, to one of them.

Well, I extend my sypmathies to you. They're in a better place right now. But you kinda bummed my day ...







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