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first it's oakie, now it's pvd...who's next, SnD?

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people used to incessantly knock paul oakenfold, and now we are seeing the same thing all over again with paul van dyk (whom i think is great). come on people, why don't you just accept the fact that his music is different from sasha and digweed's..it's that simple...and as for pvd's music category (however finite it maybe), he's the best....

in a year or so, when deep dark progressive house/trance is out, i m sure peeps will be knocking SnD.....

ps. being that i m still up 7 on sat. morning, i like to say "good morning" to all of you who are just coming or will be coming home....cwm44.gif

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ok what exactily is this post???

This post dont make any sence to me at all.. I dont know, Maybe its just me... But if what is oakenfold that pvd will soon be, and sasha and digweed are never gonna be???

PPLEEEEEEASE FILL ME IN.. I dont wanna guess riddles this morning...


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"




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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

like what? what trend did they set?

I don't know specifically what shadowchaser had in mind but I agree with him........if you have listened to their music from years ago until now, you'll see it very clearly.......I can't put my finger on anything specific but I do know that a set from S&D is unique and fresh......unlike any other DJs out there......they know how to bring records to life......they've developed their (progressive)sound for years and it is now the trend........essentially, they are trendsetters......



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I believe that island is trying to defend PvD and Oakenfold cause it seems that they are getting knocked for being "cheezy" because they don't spin what S&D spin. Now that Dark prog house is the "in thing" they seem to be god's. (which they are, but i also quite enjoy PvD and oaky) SO island is saying that S&D will be (in time) considered as spinning cheezy material. But as the eloquent tyco put it. They are trendsetters. Maybe they'll start another one. biggrin.gif


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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I have to agree S&D are trendsetters. If you listen to their early stuff, you will hear how their music evolves. Oakenfold and PVD; are two of my fav’s also; I respect that they want to spin a certain style of music. however, I do not know that will necessarily give them any longevity. Just my $0.02….


sobeton cwm32.gif

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

sasha and digweed are trendsetters...

they evolve...when a trend catches on...they move on...

like what? what trend did they set?


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"




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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

like what? what trend did they set?

dont worry im just as confused at u r... HUH!!! cwm32.gif


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People..PEOPLE..there is pleanty room for both worlds. Sweet and fluffy PVD and Dark and heavy Sasha and diggers..WHO cares about trends..etc. I listen to shit because it moves ME! sometimes I throw on old shit in a set from say..five six years ago like "Words" (PVD) and get heavy five tracks down the line with say something like... "Roaches" and people go.."what the fuck is Maudy spinning now..Doesn't he know he can't be Anthemy AND progressive?" Says who? Like people don't have mood swings in seconds? I like sets that challenge..I like sounds that make you go.."woe..that was a weird mix..but hey it works!" best set in my book now..Oakie's another world CD. Check out the amazing clash of light and dark in that one! HA! Oakie is still God!!!

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