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Does E bring out the truth or all bullshit, in you?

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In your opinion, are things you might say or think on e, caused by a false sense of euphoria and well being, and are just nonsense or does E allow you to express yourself honestly and fully like you may have not otherwise, been able to do?

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Originally posted by dede:

In your opinion, are things you might say or think on e, caused by a false sense of euphoria and well being, and are just nonsense or does E allow you to express yourself honestly and fully like you may have not otherwise, been able to do?



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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i think it maybe both also. example of truth: i have ironed out some of my problems that i had with my girl while rollin(not problems between us but things that i didn't like or accept about her, so really my own problems) and expressed myself perfectly to her. example of bullshit: chillin with one aquaintance(sic) this past weekend. a girl who i have no problem with, she is cool as hell, but i don't know her that well. i told her i loved her like a sister. it sounds crazy when out of context, but made perfect sense at the time.

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Originally posted by dede:

i think it maybe both also. example of truth: i have ironed out some of my problems that i had with my girl while rollin(not problems between us but things that i didn't like or accept about her, so really my own problems) and expressed myself perfectly to her. example of bullshit: chillin with one aquaintance(sic) this past weekend. a girl who i have no problem with, she is cool as hell, but i don't know her that well. i told her i loved her like a sister. it sounds crazy when out of context, but made perfect sense at the time.



*i'm in love with the modern world

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Yeh i agree with SPERIC everybody always goes on about how they used it for relationship problems. But it is a psycadelic, it's an altered state and it's not you, it's a seratonined up verion of you, and who you with.

I used to be in to the romatic ideal liek most people are in there E honeymoon. But it ain't real, it won't last and IMO it should just be taken as fun. Because when you come down the only way your going to feel the same way about and issue or a person is to take some more.

For me Alcohol is my truth drug, shit i go too far sometimes.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Both definitely... I will always speak the truth when rolling, sometimes to a fault... but some of the truths that I speak stems from the feelings that i will no longer have when I come down from my high.

With experience you get a better feel of what's real and what's not when you roll.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

No matter what it's a distorted reality!

That depends on how much E you take. Let's not forget that E's original clinical purpose was to allow patients to temporarily overcome their fears, anxieties and other emotional barriers in order to delve inwardly. The idea was that any insights or emotional outpourings that they would have during the treatments would carry over when sobriety would be regained. What made E so effective as such a catalyst was that when taken in moderation, it let patients remain lucid enough to understand the insights that they would gain.

Having said that, let's face it, many of us use E as no more than a club drug and take so much of it that our perception of reality is distorted while on it

...and there ain't nothing wrong with that either.



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Originally posted by powerpuff:

oh yea one more thing...you how there are some people you can't deal with when rollin' well that gets magnified by 100000000 for me! cwm8.gif

I can relate totally! The last time I rolled, I hated (now when I say hate, I mean, watch out i'm gonna hurt you hate) everyone and everything. I was so angry for some reason. Needless to say, not the best time ever. I'm a usually happy person. Go figure.

I usually always tell the truth, rolling or not, but a lot more emotional truth comes out...I get very nostalgic!



*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Originally posted by duckets:

I can relate totally! The last time I rolled, I hated (now when I say hate, I mean, watch out i'm gonna hurt you hate) everyone and everything. I was so angry for some reason. Needless to say, not the best time ever. I'm a usually happy person. Go figure.

are you sure it was really E? so many shitty pills going around... cwm25.gif

definately agree with everyone else it is a mix


Don't you want to grow up to be just like me....

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Originally posted by melichacha:

I agree... definitely a little of both, and how much of each really depends from person to person.

- Cuban B -

I concur


If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I agree with most of the previous replies. I hardly drop at a club because I'm there to dance and FEEL the MUSIC!!! When I do drop, I can't feel my legs, that's why I don't do it at clubs!

When I drop, I like to at home with some really great people that I love, and will always love, totally sober, so for all of us, it just enhances the experience. Plus for me, I can lie down and relax, something you can't do at a club, witout getting FILTHY!

Anyway, I'm babbling! I think it makes you speak the truth that you want to say, it just makes it easier, plus it makes some of the BS sound funny as HELL!!!! cwm12.gif



"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it truely is, infinite." -William Blake

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Originally posted by igloo:

I do not believe the E that the masses are taking in NYC clubs is the same you reference as used for clinical purposes, in in a clinical setting with a qualified therapist. So I agree with your latter part of your statement.

Therefore, my vote is to assume that most E users spill bullshit

While the E that's prevalent in the clubs isn't exactly pure medical grade MDMA, that doesn't mean it won't affect some people in the same way as in the clinical trials. MDMA is MDMA. Given that the pills we gleefully swallow these days contain at least some amonts of MDMA, one would experience the same empathic effects as with clinical pills if the dosage is increased.

Furthermore, not everyone needs a licensed therapist to look inwardly. Some people can do it well enough sober, others need only a small catalyst like E. While there are plenty of people rolling so hard that they blabber to others (i.e. "I love you", "you're sooo beautiful/smart/interesting") what they wouldn't say sober, there are many others who know and mean EXACTLY what they say. I doubt that there's any quantifiable statistic out there that would prove whether what "most" people say is sincere or not. It all depends on the person and on the dosage.



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Well, I may elaborate on the truth a little bit b/c I feel like I can tell a person anything when I roll. I definitely tell the truth but the truth might get a little out of hand. DOes that make sense? I feel that when I am rolling I just get so excited when I'm talking to people. I will start to tell them my life story and the fact that they sit there and listen to me makes them "the most awesome person to talk to". If I were sober, I would never tell people some of the stuff I tell them on E.



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I usually always speak the truth and depending upon what situation I'm in, like if I'm rolling hard core and I happen to be talking with others - I always end up speaking the truth or somehow oddly coming to conclusions and revelations that I might not have otherwise. It's weird...It definitely depends on the roll though, last time I rolled it didn't hit me until like 2 hours after I dropped and we happen to take them very very late as its was so I was at the peak of my roll when we were back at my friends house (they didn't want to go to after-hours). I just talked and talked and it seemed like words were just coming out of me, uncontrollably....

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It reveals all the truth for me...

Most of the times I ever did e I was with my sister at a club. We ended up walking away from the dance floor and talking about things that happened when we were growing up. We got real emotional and told each other our true feelings that were buried very deep within.




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Originally posted by lolly:

Well, I may elaborate on the truth a little bit b/c I feel like I can tell a person anything when I roll. I definitely tell the truth but the truth might get a little out of hand. DOes that make sense? I feel that when I am rolling I just get so excited when I'm talking to people. I will start to tell them my life story and the fact that they sit there and listen to me makes them "the most awesome person to talk to". If I were sober, I would never tell people some of the stuff I tell them on E.

But does that make you a liar? Or just so open at that moment that you are sharing information? And in my opinion, telling the truth is telling the truth, how out of hand it gets is inconsequential. It's either the truth or it's not.



Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born....Anais Nin

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Originally posted by missincognito:

LMAO cwm2.gif

::shaking head::

uhh horrible-

you boys are all walking balls of raging hormones. cwm27.gif

I guess its the same thing as saying...."It brings out the truth in me"...hehe

::double wink::



Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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