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UH OH.....MT OLYMPUS......here's.......

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it just shows u have way to much free time. hehehehe but i think we all have to much free time. congrats. cwm4.gif



A ho don't make a housewife.

pappa's been smooth since the days of underoos!!!!


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

Your newest CLUB GOD!!!! BOW DOWN..... cwm41.gif



Better off....DRAMA...people DRAMA!!!

Congrats honey...Will I be meeting you this weekend at Countdown 2001?



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Whattup Whattup!!

Congrats kid, I'll see you real soon.



"I nEeD a SpIrIt WhO cAn ToUcH mY LiFe, I nEeD a VoIcE tO sPeAk tHe TrUtH, i NeEd A sOuL wHo WiLL bE oN mY sIdE, i NeEd A hEaRt i'LL nEvEr LoSe, SoMeOnE LiKe YoU... sOmEbOdY LiKe YoU....SoMeOnE LiKe yOu...SomEoNe LiKe yOu.....I NeEd SoMeBoDy WhO CaN MoVe My WoRLd, SoMeOne WhO kNoWs JuSt WhAt To Do, SoMeOne LiKe YoU..."


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