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Door Policies: Help or Hurt the scene?

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Luckily we live in a city where there is a venue for everyone's tastes and preferences that minimizes the impact of door policies. But there was a time in NYC clubland when door policies ruled.

Personally, I think door policies enhance the scene/vibe, but then again, I am slightly older and am used to the velvet rope.

What is your opinion: Do door policies enhance of hinder the scene/vibe? ( and please no SF vs. Exit vs. Twilo vs Joe's Pub bullshit)

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I think door policies definitely can go both ways in terms of their effectiveness on a party or scene. When places like Spa, Lotus, etc first opened it was nearly impossible for anyone to get in without knowing someone or having a contact affiliated with the place. To the people who couldn't get in, these policies and attitudes weren't cool however week in and week out you could bet that the same people would be on line trying to get in with no success. Those who got into these parties felt special, and from experience I can admit that walking right into Lotus when there's a mob of people trying to get in, is a pretty nice feeling. Inside these places, there's definitely some attitude, however, it serves to give the patrons a sense of enjoyment and possibly some sort of power that they are able to be where others arent allowed or cant get in. However, there comes a point when the people that made these places cool or whatever move on to the next place and the door policies relax or no one would be there. To reiterate, door policies on new, hot places definitiely serve to enhance the atmoshphere, mystique, scene of these places.

On the other hand, places that have strict door policies for seemingly no reason definitely are awful. Case in point is Eugene on Saturday...the place is huge, offers nothing in the way of good music and has terrible service, yet week in and week out there are mobs of people waiting to get in. The rope policy is there JUST to make the place look cool and trendy...though once inside its just a swarm of people acting miserable.

The third door policy is at a place like Siren...the new supper club on St. Marx...where the people seem like they're new to the club thing and are happy to wait outside on their cellphones looking like they have connections to get inside. The thing about a place like Siren, is that the door policy is STRICTLY for show and if you're willing to wait, you're gonna get in. I guess when people start out in the scene, they have a need to feel as if they're about to walk into somewhere exclusive, even if McDonald's has an easier door policy.

Lastly, clubs like SF, Exit, Twilo and other big spots are better served without a real door policy. The people going to these places are going for the type of music and crowd and the 1+ hour wait to get in is more a case of #s as opposed to strictness. I don't think door policies really effect the vibe or anything of these type of clubs.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places,I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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I really don't agree with velvet ropes. I think if someone is willing to spend money they should be able to enter.

However I do think that there are times when I've been happy to see the door men at certain clubs turn away someone too fucked up or just plain out insane(flash back to New Years in Italy with a guy trying to walk into a club called Goa with a lit bottle rocket)

But I mean what the hell..if some people want to support dives that discriminate power to them. Those are clubs I would never give my money too any way. I'm happy to say that the clubs and parties I go to embrace everyone and everybody!

Dancing to Music should be available to everyone..no matter where it is or what kind of shoes they wear.

Security on the other hand I have no problem with. cwm35.gif

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 03-27-2001).]

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I think it helps, up to a certain point. You don't want people just dressing any old way inside of your club, especially if you're trying to maintain an image. Then again, if you start getting too high class, then people will get pissed off and go somewhere else, and you have a half-full club of well dressed people.

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I don't get what "dressing a certain way" has anything to do with the DJ..

I guess some people go for other reasons besides the music...

I"M AAALL about the beatz...

Don't care who the hell's around me or what they wear..

as long there's a positive vibe and people dance..knowhatI'msayin~

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At first Door policies seem like a real pain in the ass. They make you think more about the way you look and act. If you really step back and think about it it is not so bad. If you go some place where you run into a problem at the door, think of it this way... Most of the people inside think and dress for that door policy if you don't follow it then you shouldn't be there.

There are a variety of clubs in the city door policies keep them from being over packed and from changing the type of club that they are.

How would each place enforce the atmospere they have chosen (18+, 21+, upscale, trendy, etc.)



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Capacity and fashion shouldn't be in the same boat...

Control the capacity...

But don't tictate..discriminate..or issolate others just because they don't look like you...

That's the kind of shit NY drives me crazy with...

If a DJ I realy love is playing at a club

I shouldn't have to go out and but a new look just so I can fit in to go hear him...

In my opinion people that are into the Velvet rope scene are just illitist fucks that need a sence of security and belonging to make their EGOS feel better....

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Well, Mugz, I have mixed feelings about this. Most of the clubs with strict door policies, I do not even want to go to in the first place. So, THOSE people who like that sort of thing are funneled out and do not take up space at my party.

The one thing that really pisses me off, though- a couple of times at Twilo Sats- keeping in mind that I was glammed the fuck out- I was denied entrance because it was late, the party was crowded, and I AM A WOMAN. Now, that just plain sucks.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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One door policy I will never understand is how a group of girls can walk in and yet if men are in a group with out females the will either be on line forever or denied access completely. If you are going to enforce couples then it should be couples all the time not just when it comes to a group of men. I went to china club a few weeks ago and I walked in ahead of my BF because he went to park the car. I walked right in... He came 5 minutes later and waited on line for almost an hour.



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Originally posted by tastyt:

Well, Mugz, I have mixed feelings about this. Most of the clubs with strict door policies, I do not even want to go to in the first place. So, THOSE people who like that sort of thing are funneled out and do not take up space at my party.


Agreed..Not that I care.. if I see a suit dancing with glow sticks I think.."gee hope he's having fun"!


The one thing that really pisses me off, though- a couple of times at Twilo Sats- keeping in mind that I was glammed the fuck out- I was denied entrance because it was late, the party was crowded, and I AM A WOMAN. Now, that just plain sucks.


On the other hand I have been in Twilo on certain nights where they triple the capacity and you can't move, can't dance, can't sit, can't go piss (unless you wait for an hour)

and can't reach the bar or coat check without a fight braking out.

These are just risks you take in a city the size in NY. Call it a night clubbing occupational hazzard.

If the line goes clear around the block (like Taneglia and Cox)and someone tells me they've been standing in line for two hours I just go some place else.

I like to be let in but I also like my space to move....

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depends on what scene you are referring to, the club scene is very diverse and what is mainstream at a given moment is never going to be like another time period. . . that's part of the evolution (more like a wheel . . .).

like gravity said, venues with restrictive door policies give people a sense of "i'm above everyone who didn't get in," but i don't think that stays outside. there's a level of judgement, or curiousity rather, because everyone had to be someone or look a certain way to get inside. at the same time, the club becomes your[\i] home, and hellz yeah, not every fool who wants to should be allowed in.

people at places without door policies seem to be a lot more open and laid back, they're real. but when manamegement kicks out their patrons as if they are receiving some kind of public funding where they must have certain stats to fill, that's the sting of "open door . . . on your way out" reality.

what really needs to be instated is better (or more) VIP policies- then the elite and patrons can remain so, with out completely restricting everyone else.


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