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you and i are going to fight, because it is the crack of dawn (again, like it was a few hours ago) and i am wide awake, posting . . . i think you need to get a normal bedtime, missy, or you are going to have a constant late-nite companion . . . you're rubbing off on me . . . must be all the crack that i've been smoking . . .

but on the bright side, i had a brilliant thought!!! we'll be able to make the trip to idaho in one shot because one of the two of us will be awake . . . and you *do* know what kinds of laboratories are famous in the west . . . heheheh






AIM: loves2cox

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welcome to my world. here, we don't do anything. we neither sleep, do work, nor do anything that's beneficial to your health or situation

::drool:: laboratories in the west... MMMM... that's funny; at home i worked at this place called Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (and no, that wasn't my trailer kitchen). it is famous though; we made the A bombs for WWII. personally, i liked my trailer kitchen products more

Brandie, stick with me, and we'll soon be in a haven of potatoes and the purest meth cwm32.gif



Leave me



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Originally posted by deanna11:

::drool:: laboratories in the west...

Brandie, stick with me, and we'll soon be in a haven of potatoes and the purest meth cwm32.gif

i think i'm in heaven as we speak . . .


but then again, i wont really be that hungry . . . and if i had to choose, i'd go with the second option biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






AIM: loves2cox

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