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Anyone worried about brain damage?

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

I'm sorry but I have to disagree,your saying that talking on a cell phone and eating certian things will have the same consequences as doing E,not even close.I think your trying to make yourself think it's ok to do E by saying those things.I'm not causing an argument,so don't take it the wrong way.

Ummm... sorry but cell phones emit RADIATION which can cause TUMORS... yeah tumors can have a pretty bad effect on your brain. We all take chances it's just that society deems some more acceptable than others.

It's not like I can see into the future or anything but I think it's a pretty safe bet that the occasional roll is a hell of a lot safer than smoking even half a pack a day for 20 years (just as an example).


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


[This message has been edited by tastyt (edited 03-30-2001).]

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Originally posted by anthonyp:

I'm sorry but I have to disagree,your saying that talking on a cell phone and eating certian things will have the same consequences as doing E,not even close.I think your trying to make yourself think it's ok to do E by saying those things.I'm not causing an argument,so don't take it the wrong way.

If I'm not mistaken, I think his point was that there are other things that will cause harm to our bodies. Not the same effects but negative effects non the less. Cell phones may cause brain tumors to develop, eating certain foods may clog your arteries and give you a heart attack, E may cause depression...etc. etc.

So if you look at it in the sense that there are things that we do that are bad for us even though we know they're bad, we do them anyway, we just have to be careful of the amount we intake or whatever each of those bad things b/c in the future who the hell knows how bad off we'll be...Ihope that made sense. It's 5:10 on Friday. Sorry if it didn't. lol.


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I just want to add on to what i said earlier. I dont believe that E in careful moderation is bad, i just think that once the magic is gone people should know to stop before it does really bad damage. People just dont seem to realize that the drug is not worth the risk once you do it a lot. For those people who have taken hundreds even thousands of pills, the magic goes, yet people still take the pills, thats the most dangerous part of E, no one seems to know when to stop, and people end up with holes in their brain..



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There are SOOOO many things in this world that are bad for you.. Most of the things you can't even be sure about.. One day the doctors say it's good, the other day they say it's bad.. But even when it's clearly bad, like with drugs, I don't think you shouldn't do them at all.. Just be careful and not abuse it.. I can't imagine taking a pill every now and then doing that much damage to you. If you take 5 every week then it's a diff story. I'm not really worried coz I know that when I do take something, I'm really careful with it. But like everyone said, sooo many things are known to cause problems.. Cell phones, computers, junk food, etc etc etc.. Moderation is the whole point.

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