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Inconsiderate People!!!!

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Thanks guys!! Its nice to see everyone is just as evil as me!!! I didnt do anything evil though, I left the BIATCH a note:

To Whom It May Concern:

Thanks for parking so close to my car that I couldnt get in. I had to climb through the passenger side. Next time be a little more considerate or perhaps leave me a can opener.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Well, I would have written something like this:

"Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for taking the time to read my note. I would greatly appreciate if in the future you would not park so closely to my car that I couldn't get in. Otherwise, I will find out where you live and not only kill you, but cut your head off and put it in my freezer so I'll never feel alone again.

I also sincerely hope that you've arranged for a funeral rather than cremation so that I could dance on your grave.

Have a nice day!"


In G We Trust

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And get hauled away in handcuffs the next morning when you come into work.. they take this shit way too seriously now.

Originally posted by resident:

Well, I would have written something like this:

"Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for taking the time to read my note. I would greatly appreciate if in the future you would not park so closely to my car that I couldn't get in. Otherwise, I will find out where you live and not only kill you, but cut your head off and put it in my freezer so I'll never feel alone again.

I also sincerely hope that you've arranged for a funeral rather than cremation so that I could dance on your grave.

Have a nice day!"



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I just received a call from a co-worker to tell me she just saw my car in the parking lot and noticed that someone parked so close to my car that I will not be able to get in my car!!!

WTF is wrong with people...the dont give a shit about anyone but themselves!!!

sorry for the rant....


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

I just received a call from a co-worker to tell me she just saw my car in the parking lot and noticed that someone parked so close to my car that I will not be able to get in my car!!!

WTF is wrong with people...the dont give a shit about anyone but themselves!!!

sorry for the rant....

you are annoying. .shut UP. .just shut up shut UP SHUT *UP*

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Originally posted by jammy:

No, please rant on...get it all out...hopefully you have a hatchback or fold-down rear seats cwm4.gif !!!

-Jamms "thenerveofsomepeople"

Jammy! You have not learned well. Have all my efforts gone to waste? You should say, "Hopefully you have a big bag of sugar crystals that you can pour into their gas tank so that it'll clog the fuel line", or "Hopefully you can figure out how to let the air of their tires", or "Hopefully you can find the brake fluid line to unplug so they crash and burn and GO TO HELL!"

Waittanimute... my sensitivity training is wearing off!


In G We Trust

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i hate people like that

i work in a pizzeria and i hate it when families come in a grab slices and have the nerve to leave there dirty plates on the table

fucking bastards have no manners. and they do it in front of their kids who in turn do the same


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Try working up in the Woodbury Commons. All of customers are basically foreign and they don't give a f*ck about anyone/anything. Constantly throwing clothing/shoes all over the place it's ridiculous. I'm not just saying it's only foreigners, but mainly is them. cwm10.gif

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Originally posted by resident:

Jammy! You have not learned well. Have all my efforts gone to waste? You should say, "Hopefully you have a big bag of sugar crystals that you can pour into their gas tank so that it'll clog the fuel line", or "Hopefully you can figure out how to let the air of their tires", or "Hopefully you can find the brake fluid line to unplug so they crash and burn and GO TO HELL!"

Waittanimute... my sensitivity training is wearing off!

My bad,

cmb, take a banana (don't eat it wink.gif) and stuff it in the tail pipe if you carn't mush it all down the gas line. Or use you keys and *carve* a replica of all 50 states on the hood, oooooor take some water and but it in the gas line, orrrrr if you can get under the car unscrew the oil cap....OK enough for now...resident, thanks for the *quickie refresher course* wink.gif

-Jamms "cangetdownanddirtyifiwanna" cwm35.gif


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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