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Needed: Ways To Get Back At Noisy Neighbors...

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Recipe for the perfect revenge:

1)Cook neighbor's children!

2)Invite neighbors over for dinner

3)Give neighbors a taste of "their own medicine"

Warning: This recipe was tried once before and it (surprisingly) yielded unhappy results -but only for three generations. The Furies might pay you a little visit for it as well once they catch whiff of what you got cookin'.


"And he applies his mind to obscure arts..."

-Ovid M. VIII


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Do what my roomies and I did sophomore year in college:

1) Get speakers. Preferably ones that can toss out bass like a muthaphucka.

2) Place speakers face-down on the floor, or facing the wall nearest the offending persons.

3) Crank the speakers as high as they'll go -- make sure the power's off, though.

4) Turn the power on, lock the door and RUN.

5) Stay overnight at a friend's place.

We did this just to be pricks, mind you...... but if you put the speaker face-down on the floor, you'll have something that closely resembles an alibi (speaker fell down, hit the power button, oops). If you want to make it more believable, scatter crap all over the place -- makes it look more like an accident (as if stuff was stacked on top of the speakers).



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Do what my roomies and I did sophomore year in college:

1) Get speakers. Preferably ones that can toss out bass like a muthaphucka.

2) Place speakers face-down on the floor, or facing the wall nearest the offending persons.

3) Crank the speakers as high as they'll go -- make sure the power's off, though.

4) Turn the power on, lock the door and RUN.

5) Stay overnight at a friend's place.

We did this just to be pricks, mind you...... but if you put the speaker face-down on the floor, you'll have something that closely resembles an alibi (speaker fell down, hit the power button, oops). If you want to make it more believable, scatter crap all over the place -- makes it look more like an accident (as if stuff was stacked on top of the speakers).



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by vejita:

Do what my roomies and I did sophomore year in college:

1) Get speakers. Preferably ones that can toss out bass like a muthaphucka.

2) Place speakers face-down on the floor, or facing the wall nearest the offending persons.

3) Crank the speakers as high as they'll go -- make sure the power's off, though.

4) Turn the power on, lock the door and RUN.

5) Stay overnight at a friend's place.

This sounds crazy and will never work. Cooking their children on the other hand will guarantee satisfying results and no excuses to cover up the deed will be needed.


"Tragedy absorbs the highest musical ecstasies,

and thus brings music to a state of true perfection"

F. Nietzsche


G L O W G O A T S!

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Originally posted by peeps:

give them an "Upper Decker"

somehow get into the apt. (which could be tough, but this is worth it)

eat a load of bran, then fire down some coffee, maybe a butt or two and use their bathroom.

lift the lid off of the top of the tank, get on the bowl and drop the loaf in there, not the bowl. close said lid. voi-la!

it'll take them forever to find out what the hell that stink is.


Originally posted by peeps:

if you think the upper decker is bad - i got another *stinker* one for ya

works best in a college dorm, but...

same basic premise as before, but instead of the top part of the bowl, drop the kids off in the glass bowl part of a ceiling light fixture and put it back.

it starts to stink, then in order to find the stink one would obviously turn on the light to try and find it. the heat from the light cooks up the loaf nice and stinky and, well - you can figure out the rest...



peeps you got the nastiest and yet funniest shit, no pun intended, going on...




AIM: thefrenchbread

YIM: thefrenchbread

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Originally posted by peeps:

give them an "Upper Decker"

somehow get into the apt. (which could be tough, but this is worth it)

eat a load of bran, then fire down some coffee, maybe a butt or two and use their bathroom.

lift the lid off of the top of the tank, get on the bowl and drop the loaf in there, not the bowl. close said lid. voi-la!

it'll take them forever to find out what the hell that stink is.



Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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LOL!! You people are killing me! I love pranks, BTW. I've done the "fish" thing, but used sardines ( bonus: the soy/olive oil in the packaging have "lasting" effects...)


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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yeah, when M suggested the fish thing, I thought sardines... My brother loves those things and when we were growing up, he'd just toss 'em in the garbage and not say anything... Hours later the whole house would smell of fish oil going bad... Eeeewww!!

I do think the glue is better, cause even if you use bubble gum, they could still bring vandalism charges if they caught you... The trick is, DON'T GET CAUGHT! biggrin.gif

M, you might want to try to record the noise in your apt, then just pipe it back to them at max volume when all is quiet upstairs... Let them sample what you are hearing... Maybe if you do it right, you can trick them into thinking their kid is making the noise...





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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