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HipHop Banned From Limelight

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I am forwarding an email that has been sent out from GMS of StormTroopers in regards to Hip Hop being banned from Limelight.

If you looking for a spot tonite check out:

Instinctive Path

Highly Skilled DJs Rob Flow & Clay Nice

Spin the Best of Late 801s/Early 901s & New HipHop, Soul, Reggae & Classics + other surprises

If you love dope beats & a cool crowd, follow your instincts to the hottest spot in LES

Angel-147 Orchard St (btwn E Houston & Stanton)

10 pm - 4 am

No Cover!

More Info: 212-780-0313





All friends and affiliates please forward this and post it on sites to





For another party to goto on Saturdays, check out


For those of you who are still in the dark, let me shed some light on

a disturbing situation: Mayor Guiliani has been waging war on NYC's

night life since he's been in office. As an attempt to increase the

so-called "Quality of Life" in the city, he has been cracking down on

club owners, raising the age for admission to most venues to 21 and

over, requiring owners to have a caberet license if patrons are to be

allowed to dance, etc. Basically maiking it hard for clubs to operate.

Now don't get it twisted, this is not all bad. I am all for better

enforcement of legal drinking age requirements. I think bars that serve

liquor to minors (people under drinking age (21yrs)), should be fined

and that clubs that let in kids under 18 (believe me, I have seen 15 to

17 year olds in clubs in New York), should be shut down, because

endangering the life of minors is a serious offense. I don't think

anybody is opposed to that. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE.

Many of you have read in The POST and seen on the Channel 7 NEWS,

issues with LIMELIGHT being under attack by the police and the mayor.

That's because they have decided to make an example of Peter Gatien, the

owner of the Tunnel and The LIMELIGHT, because he is the most well known

and successful club owner for the past 20 years. The issues surrounding

those 2 clubs legal troubles have revolved around underage drinking,

sale of drugs withing the club, minors getting into the club with fake

ID, etc.and violence inside the clubs. Neighbors also have complaints

that their quality of life is disturbed when patrons of the clubs leave

at 4 in the morning and wander drunk back to the train or their cars in

the nieghborhood.



The news was that LIMELIGHT and The TUNNEL had their Liquor Licenses


NOT TRUE: both clubs are still in operation, liquor licenses intact.



They are still open, music is played, liquor is served.

Only one kind of music has been removed from these establishments:


There was a very informative article in the VILLAGE VOICE a couple of

weeks ago, with FUNK MASTER FLEX on the cover. It explained the mayor's

persecution of the Sunday night parties with FLEX, which have now been

shut down (but the club is still running!). You should read that

article and I may send a copy out in a post, later this week. But let

me expalin a few things, as we have done this Saturday night party for

over a year at Limelight and I get info directly from top managers of

the LIMELIGHT and have met with Peter Gatien himself.

Peter has been trying to get out of the club business for a while now,

because he is being constantly investigated, fined, etc. and he feels he

is being scapegoated and that the mayor and the police are never going

to leave him alone. So he has been trying to sell both clubs. If you

read the article in The VOICE you'll see how his attempts to sell The

Tunnel have been hampered by police threats to attack anybody who buys

the club and tries to run it. So its been difficult.

However, The Limelight was going to be sold eventually, it was just a

matter of months. We were already scoping out locations for moving the

MAIN INGREDIENT party (which has had the least amount of violent

incidents of any party in the city; I think out of a year of parties, we

maybe had 3 or 4 fights, which is not bad for a crowded nightclub, where

people are drinking a lot). So we hadn't planned any DJs past our PETE

ROCK/MARLEY MARL party in two weeks, after the RIZ/ECLIPSE party. The

club was on it's way out and we weren't sure we'd stay under the new


Then earlier this week, the clubs liquor licenses were revoked. This

was an attempt to put pressure on Peter Gatien and send a message to

potential buyers of the clubs - they are going to mess with these clubs

so buying them is bad business. Now, the clubs have been audited and

owe mad back-taxes to the city government - the same people who took

away the licenses. Peter explained to them that without his liquor

license he could not make money, and wouldn't pay the taxes and GUESS

WAHT??? THEY GAVE HIM BACK HIS LICENSES! So it's all about the money

(see Cash Rules Everything Around Me-C.R.E.A.M.). Not about "safety" or

"underage drinking" or "drugs", because they wanted their money, so they

said okay, stay open. But they


So they can say that there were underage people drinking in the club, or

that people were rowdy when they walked back to their cars, or that

there was a fight, or that any number of fire or liquor regulations were

violated or whatever, was the reason they shut down the party, but

that's bull, because faced with not getting their $$$, the club was not

shut down, only the Hip Hop party. ONCE AGAIN HIP HOP becomes the

SCAPEGOAT to calm the neighbors and politicians. "Hey folks, everything

will be okay now! We've gotten rid of that damn Rap music!"

I guess there will be no more violence, no more underage drinking, no

more drugs being sold or used in clubs anywhere (drugs were never a big

part of the Hip Hop party scene anyway, that was the "raves", but I

don't want to stereotype any other particular type of music either, so I

wont go there), no fire code violations will ever take place, because

they've solved the problem!!! HIP HOP HAS BEEN BANNED!!!

I feel that my personal constitutional rights to freedom of choice are

being violated by this move and that our rights to do business by having

Hip Hop parties is being violated and that all New Yorkers who love Hip

Hop culture are being violated as well as artists who profit by sales of

their records, which are successful or not partially based on CLUB DJs

playing their music. This is an ATTACK ON THE WHOLE HIP HOP MUSIC

INDUSTRY and I expect many lawsuits to follow.

In the meantime, where will the party be next week and where can you go

tonight? I urge everyone to go to our affiliates website


and look at the Saturday schedule. There are numerous Hip Hop events

that have not been shut down yet, acrosss the city and the site tells

you about them.

As for MAIN INGREDIENT, we will move it to another location, or possibly

change the name of the party, so that the police wont follow us club to

club scapegoating the party that originated in the LIMELIGHT. But we

will continue to do Hip Hop on Saturdays no matter WHAT the current

administration thinks.

You can also support our other parties, which are just as popular, on

other nights of the week. For example Wednesdays at NV (Eclectic) with

Goldfinger and Lord Sear, and Fridays at CHEETAH (The Show/Electric

Avenue) with DJ COSI and Mike B. and all the other Stormtroopers Events,

which I will be sending more info on, in a seperate mailing.

Sorry about the last minute cancelation for this week, but w hope you

can understand and appreciated the kind of forces we are up against.

The LIMELGIHT will be sold eventually, or permanently shut down, in the

weeks to come, so even if they manage to get the ban lifted, I'm not

sure if we would contnue the party at that location, just to have to

move soon anyway, so stay tuned for our new location and thanks for all

the support over the past year.

One love, everybody stay up!

GMS of Stormtroopers Entertainment

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If this is all true, its really messed up. This world including the government does revolve around money, and there is nothing that will change that. Personally, the cancellation of hip-hop from Limelight won't really matter to me because I am not a fan. But it is extreemly unfair to the fans of the music. This makes no sense, the city cannot ban a certain type of music.

It's funny. At the gym at my school they allow people to bring in their own cds to play on the loud speakers. A few months ago the management put a ban on hip-hop music because some adults were complaining about the cursing and such. It's all rediculous. What is this world coming to.



"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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another thing for the people to read in the papers and to watch on the new to make our scene sound like it is the worst thing to happen since world war 2. this is pathetic and absolutely ludicris. your freedom of speech and choice are being violated and law suits should follow. i am tired of reading these stories and hearing them on the news because it is getting outta hand.

but you are righ: the bottom line is and always will be money. and once gatien pays what is due and then sells the clubs who ever buys them will be left alone as long as there bill are paid on time and they donate money to the city police department. otherwise more of this will follow


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com

Ganster-01.gifim gonna make you an offer you cant refuse

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Guiliani is going to send NYC down the toilet if he keeps this up. The only reason NYC is what it is today is becasuse of its ability to attract young professionals. He keeps attacking clubs, bars, adult shops, art museums, etc., and pretty soon those young professionals won't want to live there.

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let me be the devil's advocate for a sec on this issue. Honestly you gotta admit that hiphop does tend to attract a rather negative, agressive, and sometimes violent crowd. I'm not talking about race, cause sometimes there's nothing worse that a white kid who thinks he's Method Man, but I'm talking about the overall attitude in a hiphop room/club.

Where does most of the club violence occurs that you hear about on the news? Without doubt, Tunnel Sundays are infamous for it.

Or take a look at Exit, my girl cant walk through the hiphop room without getting her ass grabbed.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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