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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

The two universal languages

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I wink at a slow beat and sink into melodies

Fuck it raw with my ears

What is fear but a long lost parody next to harmony?

In my grave I will slave in holy raves

Take hits of celestial beats

Sucking on the titty of endless centuries

I will climb the thighs of compromise and drink enharmonic rhymes

Iyyy Iyyy Iyyy put to beats

Dancing feet wrapped by aching backs

Fling your hips into the tarmac of atmospheres

The most high is near when your fear runs for cover

Hide behind vaginal folds

The pink ozone is a clone of your foe when you're exposed to the truth that music can rule you like a lion in a jungle

Give in to the crave to rave

Blue-balls in your bones make you ache

Sweat like a fat man on a dune

That glowy thing when you cum is a typhoon zooming off the crossfight of the stars in your sky

If you feel what I write the you've witnessed the disguise of my might...trapped in caramel skin

Where's a WITNESS


Who can spend their breathes in a poem like the ocean?

Close your eyes and devise in your mind a dream as I make you cream

This has never been written as it's seen before thee

Only I can trap the skies between my pinky and it's nail

Watch me prick my veins like the lamb that hanged for us to reign like the hip-hop of droplets on a rock

Can I stop

Like life



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very very nice man, 'sweating like a fat man on a dune!' - very vivid imagery! u got skillz


<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/hydro22/bedrock.gif"">

sometimes you just have to say "what the fuck!"

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and when is your book coming out??


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

music: indispensable component of life... recognizes no limits and no confines... uniting black with white, young with old, and the good with the bad.

Do you want another taste of my ice cream?

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