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** has any1 seen that movie party girl? ***

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After years of people telling me I must see it, I finally remebered to and now its definately a favorite...Parker Posey is the best, I love everything she's ever been in.



In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma

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Definitely a fave in my collection as well.

Top 10 others have to be:

1)Hang The DJ

2)High Fidelity




6)Reservior Dogs

7)Pulp Fiction

8)Almost Famous

9)Fight Club

10) 9 1/2 Weeks or Boogie Nights (See where than one was going eh kids?)

This is like the essential list of hanging with club friend movies. I can add like 10 others what about you guys? cwm9.gifcwm4.gifcwm9.gif


Failure is not an Option!!

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Please no more favorite movie lists!!! At least not for a couple of weeks!

I thought Party Girl was a strange movie... I don't know, it was totally not what I was expecting. I would see it again though, I was pretty baked and it was about 5 yrs ago so maybe I'd like it more this time!

Parker Posey is a great actress. I saw her in Union Sq a few yrs ago, she is tiny in person. Really skinny. It looked like she was anorexic or doing too much coke or heroine.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Love Parker Posey!! Loved her in Dazed and Confused..

"What are you looking at? Wipe that face off your head Bitch!"

Have u guys seen House of Yes? If not, rent it!!!!


"Uncertainty excites me"

- Bjork

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