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Diary of a crackhead


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Last week I posted how my girlfriend washed my shorts with a pill inside my pocket. I was concerned about the potency of the pill so I asked you guys what you thought. Unfortunatley no one gave me a direct response. So here is my adventure.

The pill (green fly) was wrapped in tin foil so I thought that maybe it would be ok. Bad assumption. It was soggy, kind of like paste. So I let it sit out thinking it would dry up and then I could just bump the powder. Well, Friday night comes along and it was still soggy. So I decided to get a glass of water and scrape the remains into the glass. I then added a little cranberry juice for flavor and poured it into a tupperware container because I had nothing else. As I parked in the city my friends and I were about to enter the club, they all drop and I am drinking my secret elixer. They were obviously laughing there asses off at me, thinking I was an idiot.

Well about 50 minutes later I was peaking so hard I could barley keep my eyes open. It was amazing. Ended up being one of the best nights I have had in a long time.

So for those of you who had the question whether washing your pill will effect the potency, well I have to say, NO FUCKING WAY> As a matter of fact I may wash my next one.:idea:

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Originally posted by silente

<laughs> That's awesome! Is MDMA water soluble? If not, you may have just purified your pill by dissolving out all the sugar/caffeine/whatever. It's not a bad idea....

I don't know if it is. When I scraped it into solution the water turned green (obviously because the pill was green) but I saw little chuncks of white. Which I assumed to be the MDMA. Percentage wise, it wasn't that much compared to the size of the pill. I could only imagine what the pure stuff felt like 5-6 years ago before it became so popular. If I could turn back time.......;)

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Yeah, no kidding. :) I wish I had your reaction - at Area 1 I was so fucked up I spent about half of Cox's set sitting on the floor with my eyes closed. SO FRUSTRATING!!! I wanted to dance more than anything in the world but I couldn't fucking move. It was seriously like, an hour and a half rush. No good. And those were really speedy pills for everyone else! Dopey pills are a joke for me. <laughs> hell, they're *all* dopey

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I do get energized and wide eyed usually. But when the roll hits me extremely hard, I can't move. My eyes are closed and I have to sit down. It feels great at times, but like Silente said it is frustrating some times.

When I first started rolling I had really no side effects. No teeth clenching or grinding, no dehydration or cotton mouth, and puking reflex. But recently I have developed all three, including the annoying bottom jaw sticking out. My girlfriend hates that.

She has had the talk with me. She has grown out of it she says. So it makes it hard on me, who is still all about it. Times like these are hard. Because you feel more and more like a crackhead when you could be pushing away someone you truly love because of e. :(

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