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Why do honkeys ALWAYS hang in cliques?

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i don't understand, no matter where I go white people are always together.

at the club they are in a social group, always askin me for cigarettes.

In the board rooms......they are always gettin together and plottin evil futures for others

On TV, ON TV, fuckin honkeys are on every channel at every time of the day. they are even on BET......... dam.

they won't let me join their country clubs and i'm WHITE.

oh well, i don't know. i guess it's just a fact of life. fuckin crackas for u.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Umm are you mentally retarded?

yeah, what r u talking about? i'm not even gonna point out all the negative and incorrect things you said (IMO).

did something just happen that really bothered you? or are u just trying to get a rise from people?

(i hope the first - in which case, let us know what it was)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by babymamas2

i don't understand, no matter where I go white people are always together.

at the club they are in a social group, always askin me for cigarettes.

In the board rooms......they are always gettin together and plottin evil futures for others

On TV, ON TV, fuckin honkeys are on every channel at every time of the day. they are even on BET......... dam.

they won't let me join their country clubs and i'm WHITE.

oh well, i don't know. i guess it's just a fact of life. fuckin crackas for u.

What are we gonna have a race war?! I come on the boards to kinda get away from reality, Dont start that shit.

besides everyone knows Sicilians are the best!! there you happy I just ended it with one sentence.j/k Alittle humor to ease the drama

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Originally posted by gabo

What are we gonna have a race war?! I come on the boards to kinda get away from reality, Dont start that shit. besides everyone knows Sicilians are the best!! there you happy I just ended it with one sentence.:rolleyes:

i agree with the first part. Can we PLEASE NOT GO THERE. :mad: I don't come to the board to discuss racism or any other ism. THe real world is stressfull enough!:finger:

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If you people don't see the humor behind this post then you haven't read the other ones put up today. I find this halarious....but it does raise some interesting questions. Soon people will start race wars against their own color. Then we'll be really be screwed! HEHEHEHE...:)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

Anyone know why they call us honkeys? Because that's the last thing they hear before we run them over!

Just kidding!

<~~~~~~Far from a racist. Believe me!

One of my black friends actually told me that.

Ok I love all races and color, that was some fucking funny shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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you people have no sense of humor.......this shit is funny as hell, especially if you read the "why i am mad at asians" post, or whatever it was called.

I think people are so offended not because this post is racist but because it is true.

Oh well......as the world burns. another day

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::gang:

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Everyone takes things too seriously either that or I don't take things seriously enough. I thought it was a pretty funny response to the Asian thread. I don't think babymamas2 is trying to start a race war, just some witty threads. I was LMAO from this one.

Why do you call us honkeys anyway??

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