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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

boycott SACI!

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So here is the deal. I went to SACI on saturday to go out for my friends 21st b-day. The whole night had been filled with problems from the beginning. When we finally get to SACI have of our party (including me) r let into the club, but the other half was not let in. The owner claimed that one of my friends was talking to somebody that had just gotten thrown out of the club and 4 that reason he would let the rest of out party in.

First off, the kid that my friend was talking to claimed to b the owners son, nobody knew that he had just gotten thrown outta the club. The owner of SACI is a real asshole and should really re-evaluate his door policy. One thing i do have to say about SACI is that the other people at the door were probably the most friendly outta any club that i have been to in NYC. Would i go back, YES, but definetly not for a while. The inside of the club is awesome, but unfortunately i was unable to emjoy due to that fact that half of the party that i came with was not let inside for something that they had absolutely nothing to do with. It was a ridiculous situation and i hope that if i go to SACI with those same people that a problem this ridiculous will NOT arise again.:mad: :mad: :mad:

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the majority of the people with us wre girls.....2 of them r models for madmoiselle...the only reason some people did not get in was because the owner says that one of my friends was talking to a kid that jus that thrown out.....trust we had HOT girls with us!

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