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A friend of mine had to be rushed to the hospital and almost died this past weekend.......I wouldn't normally say anything but it's crazy cause he didn't do a lot at all........you never f'ing know.......got a little reality check from it and just passing it on to you peeps.......just giving a heads up to do your shit safely........:)

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Originally posted by tyco

A friend of mine had to be rushed to the hospital and almost died this past weekend.......I wouldn't normally say anything but it's crazy cause he didn't do a lot at all........you never f'ing know.......got a little reality check from it and just passing it on to you peeps.......just giving a heads up to do your shit safely........:)

I don't glorify this stuff, and everyone makes there own choices, but peeps, please be carefull especially with the commercial shit (X,K)....With that shit, you never know... Hey TYCO, is your boy OK? I hope so!

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People, please don't play w/G!!!! For the love of God & your life! A friend of mine was also rushed to the hospital this weekend and she came this close to dying! There's no margin for error, it's not worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Kermzy

People, please don't play w/G!!!! For the love of God & your life! A friend of mine was also rushed to the hospital this weekend and she came this close to dying! There's no margin for error, it's not worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bounce: I LOVE YOUR QUOTE! :bounce:

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

please be carefull especially with the commercial shit (X,K)....With that shit, you never know...

your absolutly right....my girl OD'ed on X only.....she flat lined twice, tempture went over 110 which she should've been in convulsions and brain dead at this point, was hospitalized for a month......she is perfectly fine today, its a miracle she's alive and normal....

scary story ,but just goes to show......you never know

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

I don't glorify this stuff, and everyone makes there own choices, but peeps, please be carefull especially with the commercial shit (X,K)....With that shit, you never know... Hey TYCO, is your boy OK? I hope so!

yea man......thanks for asking :) he's recovered okay but the doctor said to him......."ya know, I see guys come in here every weekend in the same fashion as you did and die......." He may have exaggerated a bit but there's no doubt that there's some truth to it.......I'm just in awe that it happened from the very little drugs he did do......that is more scary than when someone does too much.......and for the record, no, he didn't do G....:)

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...I know it is a scary thing. I have had one too many people close to me come close to death. I actually lost someome last year due to drugs. One thing that I have learned is that these incidents never seem to stop anyone - we all know the risks and for some reason some people really don't seem to care. It might slow people down for a little while, but it never stops them.

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Originally posted by drama

...I know it is a scary thing. I have had one too many people close to me come close to death. I actually lost someome last year due to drugs. One thing that I have learned is that these incidents never seem to stop anyone - we all know the risks and for some reason some people really don't seem to care. It might slow people down for a little while, but it never stops them.

good point.

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G is really really bad. And a lot of people don't realize that after using it on a regular basis it can become more physically addictive than heroin. and when you try stopping you better stock up on sleeping pills b/c you want be able to fall asleep for days.

I'm really glad most of my friends stay away from that shit

Ok bye


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You want scary. My fiance is an ICU nurse and last week they had an 18 year old girl hooked up to a ventilator because she ODed on E. The girl is brain dead. Her family eventually took her off life support because she was never coming back. 18 years old!!! This girl had her entire life ahead of her. Now her family has to live with the pain of loosing their child. Be safe people. I'm not going to stand on some soap box and preach because I've done shit in my life. All I'm going to say be safe. Too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

You want scary. My fiance is an ICU nurse and last week they had an 18 year old girl hooked up to a ventilator because she ODed on E. The girl is brain dead. Her family eventually took her off life support because she was never coming back. 18 years old!!! This girl had her entire life ahead of her. Now her family has to live with the pain of loosing their child. Be safe people. I'm not going to stand on some soap box and preach because I've done shit in my life. All I'm going to say be safe. Too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

Does your wife like her job or is she interested in a new opportunity?

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She likes it so far. She is still on orientation and will be for the next month or so. She will be working nights though once she is off orientation. 3 12 hour shifts for 7p to 7a. She's not sure how she will like that though. So if she doesn't like it I will def let you know.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

She likes it so far. She is still on orientation and will be for the next month or so. She will be working nights though once she is off orientation. 3 12 hour shifts for 7p to 7a. She's not sure how she will like that though. So if she doesn't like it I will def let you know.

definitely do cause I do medical recruiting for NYC and NJ hospitals and Medical Centers. How's the golf game and jr.?

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

definitely do cause I do medical recruiting for NYC and NJ hospitals and Medical Centers. How's the golf game and jr.?

The little guy is sick today. He's going to the doc today. As for my game probably going out this weekend. To make up for my hideous preformance last time.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

You want scary. My fiance is an ICU nurse and last week they had an 18 year old girl hooked up to a ventilator because she ODed on E. The girl is brain dead. Her family eventually took her off life support because she was never coming back. 18 years old!!! This girl had her entire life ahead of her. Now her family has to live with the pain of loosing their child. Be safe people. I'm not going to stand on some soap box and preach because I've done shit in my life. All I'm going to say be safe. Too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

cuba what the deal man..

JBR how are you!!!

its most deff tough..my family went throught the same decsion two years ago when my cusin pasted..at 27.

its hards to make life decisions..and you dont want to see a soul suffer when there is Realy no hope..

a lesson on drugs that is..

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Cuba como estas? It''s tough dealing with shit like that. Like I said I will never preach. back in the day I was tripped out every weekend. Popping shrooms and acid like it was fucking candy. No more though had my fun in the sun. The first flashback I had I stopped that shit. Peeps got to get control. Hear about people dropping 3,4,5, even 6 pills every weekend. Their shit is going to end up with a fucking tube down their throat breathing for them.

Enough of the public service announcement.

How you been? You still spinning at tribeccas?

Where's JohnnieEmmitt been?


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yeah tonight if you wanna stop by...

not a big deal if you dont...

I still remeber my freshmen year Dawn & Angel had a party.

and i was sitten in the back yard with TUT, RIZZI,and Dale, popen hits..that was one of the most memoriable nights of my life.

i miss acid though..its been over a year for me with that..

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Originally posted by eviljav666

yeah tonight if you wanna stop by...

not a big deal if you dont...

I still remeber my freshmen year Dawn & Angel had a party.

and i was sitten in the back yard with TUT, RIZZI,and Dale, popen hits..that was one of the most memoriable nights of my life.

i miss acid though..its been over a year for me with that..

I would love to hermano but Justin is sick. He is going back to the doc for the second time this week. I took him on monday and he didn't get better, he actually got worse. Colleen is taking him today we don't know what's wrong. I'm going straight home as soon as I can.

I haven't tripped in 5 years. Loved it, still miss it from time to time but will never do it again. I will only smoke occassionally , maybe once a month or once ever two months. I had my fun. It was a great ride but I had to stop. I didn't like who I was becoming, it wasn't me.

Maybe next week I'lll stop by tribeccas. I haven't heard you spin since I think High School. I also remeber that night at Van Lowe's. You where fucking spaced. i wonder how those girls are. Haven't seen them in ages. They where mad cool those two. The girls in my class fucking hated them because everyone liked hanging with them better and they where two years younger. Funny shit.


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Damm i use to get so rocked at those parties..

no doubt i was spaced...

iam just laughen thinking about everything i did..i was wild and always looking for a fight.."alcholoic punk" was one of my nick names..and "Peer Presure Man" "sickojav"

christ..when you are younger you dont give a Fuck!!!

how many times did the cops show up and we were still going nuts in that house...

if you think about it..it was like the parties in the movies..people going crazy...i realy do miss those girls..especially Angles nice little ass...i had some good fun with that...

next time i go to boa's and you are there were are smoken..tell you wife "peer presure man" got you!!!

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Originally posted by eviljav666

Damm i use to get so rocked at those parties..

no doubt i was spaced...

iam just laughen thinking about everything i did..i was wild and always looking for a fight.."alcholoic punk" was one of my nick names..and "Peer Presure Man" "sickojav"

christ..when you are younger you dont give a Fuck!!!

how many times did the cops show up and we were still going nuts in that house...

if you think about it..it was like the parties in the movies..people going crazy...i realy do miss those girls..especially Angles nice little ass...i had some good fun with that...

next time i go to boa's and you are there were are smoken..tell you wife "peer presure man" got you!!!


I don't think the wife will mind. Justin spent sat. night at my parents and we smoked up. Got some shit from Allen. If Justin get's better I'll hit boa's tomorrow but I'll def hit next week.

Angel did have the best ass. Those parties where MAD. Everyone would be fucked up and they lasted all fucking night. I remeber one time waking up on their living room floor at like 10 am. There was peeps laying every where. When we get a our new house we will leave Justin at my folks and throw one of those parties.

Hasta luego.


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