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DJs Alex Coviello & Greg Padula are CUNTS!!


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Alex Coviello and Greg Padula from New Jersey USA= DJ time wasting CUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( all their contact info is below this letter)

You wanna know why? Because they've been giving me the run around for seven fucking time wasting months and I am gonna sort them out legally and any other way I know how! I am a songwriter producer of commercial dance music..still waiting for the break, but with quite a bit of web success...Anyway..

It all started in January 2001 when I was emailed by Alex Coviello. He said he was a successful producer and said he wanted to do a mix of my song "Love in Ibiza"( you can hear it now at my site: www.mp3.com/vlove ) as he thought it could be a BIG DANCE song and he could definitely get me a deal with his mixes and my radio mix. I said OK that sounds great..give it a go..He did give it a go( allegedly) and he mailed me one of his mixes which I thought was fucking awful and wondered if a chimp had produced it..but anyway..I thought,a s long as my mix gets a look in to a deal and he has the contacts, then I couldn't complain..

First he said he had got a deal with Groovalicous records...then weeks later he said it was off...Then he said he had got me a deal with the label Dieselgroove...I thought great..I'll wait for the offer then...The offer arrived from Greg Padula by email( so called president of Dieselgroove records www.dieselgrooverecords.com

The email is copied over for you to read below:

dated 24 April 2001

Hi Nick,

Sorry for the delay.Below you will find our offer from

DieselGroove Records.










ADVANCE: $1,500.00

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank You

Greg Padula

Well, I thought great I've been offered a deal..time passed I emailed to enquire where the contracts were..time passed I emailed no reply..then replies saying contracts on the way and had been sent...I received nothing...then nothing...then weeks later contracts on the way email..bal bla...then one week ago I got this email:

dated 8 august 2001

Dear Nick,

You should have received a letter from our attorney informing

you that

at the present time we have decided to pass on the song.We

wish you

all the best and apologize for the delay.

Please dispose at your conveince the contracts.

Best Regards,


Label Manager

DieselGroove Records,Inc

Basically, they kept me hanging on for 7 months whilst I didn't promote the song elsewhere!! For what reason????They offered a deal in writing and even said the contracts were sent by the lawyer then they say its off..strange no Fucking contracts arrived!! or not strange if I had know these fucking time wasting jokers were just fucking me about!!! Whatever..they're dead meat...

CUNTS CUNTS CUNTS...and millions agree with me!! They fucked around the wrong person..took the fucking piss!!! Anyway, they are currently being investigated and a formal complaint will be put against them and I will sue them..apart from that , they're my best buddies!!

SO A BIG FUCK OFF TO THESE WANKERS!! WATCH YOUR BACKS>>ITS VERY DARK IN NIGHT CLUBS..you might fall over or something..but seriously your arses will be sued mother fuckers!!!

Nick Myer

composer/producer Vlove


You can email Greg if you want to tell him what a cunt he is at : dieselgroove@aol.com

You can email Alex Coviello at: djlexy@yahoo.com

This is the letter I sent back to Greg( pretending to be Kim..fucking wierdo!!)

dated 8 august 2001

Dear Kim( Greg),

Thank you for your brief unwelcome email. That's not good news. I would like to mention that it would be difficult to dispose of any contracts from Dieselgroove, as at this stage, as I have not received any.

You at Dieselgroove have lost me over 3 months in waiting and promoting time and you have also lost me another deal because, at the time I accepted in writing your deal offer you made to me (copied over below) on the 24 April 2001, I rejected another deal offer here in the UK. I chose to sign with you at Dieselgroove instead because I believed the deal offer to be genuine and to be the wisest of the two options. If I had never received your offer I would have gone with the UK interest without a doubt. As a result I refused the deal offer here in the UK at the same time. The UK deal is no longer available to me on the song Love in Ibiza.

Firstly I want an exact explanation as to why you made me an offer in writing on 24th April 2001, kept me waiting for over 3 months, and have now decided to tell me you're passing on the song???

I want to know why??? Out of simple courtesy if nothing else. You don't go around offering deals if you cant deliver on them surely? That is not professional business practice.

I am now considering whether to sue you at dieslgroove for loss of time in which I could have established another deal and sue you for loss of earnings for the opportunity I turned down at the time I accepted your offer. Like I said I have lost out irreversibly thanks to a deal you made that you did deliver on. You used all the delay tactics in the book for motives unclear at this stage.

I shall be taking legal advice in the very near future on this one from an international music lawyer in London. If it is established that I have a worthy case, and I strongly believe I have, then I will take every step to sue you for this. I already have the financial backing made available for me, as I have already discussed this possible scenario with advisors. You've messed with my life, my intellectual property and I am bitter and let down by that kind of treatment, as anyone would be.

I don't walk away from being treated badly and having several months ripped out of my life and much time wasted. I fight until justice is achieved. Please note you also have several CD masters sent by me to you for which I shall also be claiming costs for including the postage. If you wish to come up with a settlement figure within the next few days and I agree to it, then I will halt all procedures that I will take against you if you dont. But I can tell you that it would literally have to be within a week and I would have to genuinely receive the settlement cheque to end thisw matter.

You will no doubt be hearing if you don't get back to me with anything positive.


Nick Myer

composer/producer for Vlove


----- Original Message -----

From: DIESELGROOVE@aol.com

To: myer.vlove@ntlworld.com

Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 4:46 AM

Subject: Re: To Greg Padula- Thanks re Vlove and "love in Ibiza"

Hi Nick,

Sorry for the delay.Below you will find our offer from

DieselGroove Records.










ADVANCE: $1,500.00

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank You

Greg Padula

----- Original Message -----

From: DIESELGROOVE@aol.com

To: myer.vlove@ntlworld.com

Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:51 AM

Subject: Re: Greg-The deal-"Love in Ibiza" on or off?

Dear Nick,

You should have received a letter from our attorney informing

you that

at the present time we have decided to pass on the song.We

wish you

all the best and apologize for the delay.

Please dispose at your conveince the contracts.

Best Regards,


Label Manager

DieselGroove Records,Inc

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Thanks for all good advice and no thanks to any bad advice or stupid remarks..firstly its for me really( the message board rants) , although I am pleased with some of the feedback.. I have found it kind of therapeutic... had to get it off my chest....and secondly I do have a genuine legal case against Greg Padula from Dieselgroove for offering me a firm contract in writing and then breaking the contract offer after losing me considerable time on my song without explanation.

Its confirmed and I shall pursue that outside any public message board with my lawyer. Judging by the responses I would say quite a few people seem to know who these guys are and they are certainly not all favourable responses that I've received personally. Whether they have been nice to you is beside the point. I've been fucked around by both of them and that's all I can think. Alex was always very brief and polite in his emails as I was..I thought I liked him, even if I didn't rate his mixing and I knew he was lieing to me about certain things...but this was the final straw..

Its all been a much longer story than I've told here..cos that really would be a book...of emails at least and as I said over 7 months of listening to promises promises until a broken contract...time wasting..that's abuse..

So thanks for all the good advice people and no thanks for all stupid advice or cretinous remarks..and its not about night life..its about record/publishing contracts for intellectual property and contracts that were broken.

thanks..I'm sure it will all be resolved legally..and its clear..I am the wrong person to wrong and I wont get used to being treated like that in the music biZZ or anywhere else and I will not accept someone can treat anyone like that without consequences...It takes a deseased mind to treat people the way I've been treated..and I'll get my justice! Legally...

Cya....and thanks all that do truly understand this from my angle...


p.s its also looking increasingly suspicous that they had other motives for delaying me and my song "Love in Ibiza" found at: www.mp3.com/vlove

I'm looking in to it..as to whether they are using/used the vocals I provided on any other productions

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  • 4 years later...

All I can say is the two reasons I left the music business are Greg Padula and Franco Iemmello. Two of the most tasteless individuals in the business. Not to mention talentless. They'll take impressionable talent from others and try to capitalize off of it. Both Franco & Greg couldn't play a note of music when I worked with them. I understand Franco is doing quite well now at Warner. Also, don't misinterpret. The only reason they both got to the status they're at is because of a gentlemen named Eugene and his bottomless pockets. These two horrible excuses for men will undoubtedly go far in the music business. Hopefully, the industry will change and see them for what they are.

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