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Ok so Thursday night, I bit the bullet and went to see PvD. All these people going on about it I though I owed it's to myself and PvD to see what he is about now.

Not trying to start drama, just wanted to let you know what I thought.

People were telling me his style has changed in the last few years. He plays more techno and breaks etc. Well his set's haven't changed at all, they are still 100% the same as how he used to play at Gatecrasher over 5 years ago.

He played a mixture of fluffy and Euro trance for the first few hours. Then at the end he played about 30 mins of breaks and slightly harder stuff. He hardly looked up, chose easy breaks to mix out of (or just left it to the end which is totally the easy way out). I can't tell you what he played as I don't really know that side of electronica... but for an angel is still there ;) Basically just about every song he played has high pitched vocals and a swooshy sound.

The place was packed though, totally packed. And people were going crazy but he really didn't build it at all.

Honestly after seeing Paul Oakenfold and PvD here (who both played bad set's for them and got an amazing reaction), I think they are totally filling these places with sheep. And by default these sheep think it's great. I think they have built a name (got there MTV adverts, funny what group they are aiming at) and just working off that.

Oakenfold was terrible at area one, Carl Cox was fantastic. But the reaction PO got was weird... people just cheering for no reason.

Honestly I know I don't like that style of music etc and I know you do. But I don't get it. When you talk about good DJ's you talk about skill, reading the crowd etc. PvD wasn't reading any crowd, he played a pre-planned set. He also doesn't have great mixing skills, he really chooses the easy way out.

Anyway so my mind isn't changed, and i know yours won't be.. just wanted to put my 2 pennies in. :)

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not gonna get much argument outt me this time..

i saw a preliminaryt tracklisting put together regarding his set in boston, and am very glad i did not go.. then again i would have been glad even if he played a good set for him.. i dont' take 5 hour trips to see a dj play for 2 hours..

ended w/ for an angel again..

i had lost respect for him after twilo in february, gave him one more chance in april, and he did impress me i have to say.. read the crowd and definetly tight mixing etc..

but after your review and that of others from boston, i'm beginning to revert back to my position.. i do think the man has great talent, but i also think he's a lazy bitch.. it took all us bitching on twilboard to get him to play a long good set.. but now he's doin the usual it appears..

i know he has the talent, b/c i've seen him rock twilo before.. i've also seen exactly what you were describing at twilo.. him not reading the crowd, and them going nuts for it while i was unhappy..

doesnt' appear he's bothering to come back to ny anyway so no matter.. i'm not losing sleep over it.. and if he goes back to what he did in february and before that, i think i'd prefer he not come back anyway...

danny howells to salvage my hope in clubs on the 2nd at least..

and just as a side, dont' know if you've ever heard luis diaz before, but he's becoming one of my favs.. he used to rock it opening up for, go figure, pvd.. i was always there early to check out his sets, and friday i heard him for the first time being the prime time billing.. he rawked, and it was at sound factory!

dont' think those SF kids were ready for it.. he schooled them in the way of quality music..

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Well put...its basically become about the all mighty dollar and commercializing ones music will get u that...we see more and more people wanting to hear club music....HOWEVER!!! 99% of these people that r jumping on th bandwagon dont know shit about the music and will basically dance and yell to anything that has a beat. People like Oakenfield basically throw down a record and let it play...YET they are making more money than they ever have by playing to the masses of uneducated people that watch channels like mtv and listen to ktu to get their music news..its a growing trend (happened to hip hop a few yrs back).

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Yeh i think as a producer the guy is shit hot. I really think he should stick to one or the other. DJing is a full time job you have to keep up to date and be constantly listening to records, which i don't think he is.

Totally agree about Danny Howells, he is like a breath of fresh air. Lot's of stuff bores me know, because it's just so samey. But all the Howells set's i have herd have been great.

Diaz was here not so long ago (or is coming, i have seen the name somewhere recently), havn't seen him but i will check it out.

ezd2, yeh i agree.. Oakenfold even had this buildup for himself, a 5 minute drum role wile perfecto signes were raised and he made he entrance... tosser.

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Originally posted by back2basics-

Yeh i think as a producer the guy is shit hot. I really think he should stick to one or the other. DJing is a full time job you have to keep up to date and be constantly listening to records, which i don't think he is.

Totally agree about Danny Howells, he is like a breath of fresh air. Lot's of stuff bores me know, because it's just so samey. But all the Howells set's i have herd have been great.

Diaz was here not so long ago (or is coming, i have seen the name somewhere recently), havn't seen him but i will check it out.

ezd2, yeh i agree.. Oakenfold even had this buildup for himself, a 5 minute drum role wile perfecto signes were raised and he made he entrance... tosser.

100% exactly on the nose..

he really is a producer first and thats the problem for the dj'ing.. he's always in the studio.. take any of the top 10 in the world and i'll gurantee his production is double what any of the next closest of them produces(well except oakie, he has no excuse he's just got a huge head)

paul does not keep nearly as up to date as necessary.. just take sasha or diggers, who everyone praises for their innovation and originality.. how many songs has sasha put out in the last year? last 5? last 10?

paul prolly produced more tracks last year alone than sasha has in his career.. but thats why sasha's sets are *always* fresh.. why he is always the one breaking in the new tracks..

but yea, definetly check out diaz if you get the chance..

and i agree w/ howells.. he may read the crowd better than anyone.. i mean, theres no way anyone could've expected to hear techno in the prime time hours back in july, but thats where the nrg level took us, and thats what he gave us :)

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Originally posted by back2basics-

Yeh again it's about balance, i think producers NEED to DJ to know what works on the dancefloor. But you need to balance it out. S&D do seem to be doing that really well.

PO and PvD don't.

hmm.. don' t know i'd include sasha in there..

diggers at least has bedrock.. even still he doesnt' do *that* much producing, relative to pvd..

but sasha until his present work on this album hasn't really done a damn thing.. and look how much less he dj'ed b/c of it..

scorchio was god awful.. hate that damn song and find it very cheesy to tell you the truth..

but yes, paul definetly has an imbalance..

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

hmm.. don' t know i'd include sasha in there..

diggers at least has bedrock.. even still he doesnt' do *that* much producing, relative to pvd..

but sasha until his present work on this album hasn't really done a damn thing.. and look how much less he dj'ed b/c of it..

scorchio was god awful.. hate that damn song and find it very cheesy to tell you the truth..

but yes, paul definetly has an imbalance..

No i think S&D do have a reasonable balance. As you ay Sasha and Digweed do still keep it pretty real and they keep producing and to a minimum... i agree Scorchio is horrible.

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everything said by b2b is correct.

but it does work for the crowds that go see him.

pvd is a gateway into the world of electronica...easy to listen and understand...but once you realize all of the statements b2b makes..you move on to more intelligent stuff.

his productions are done well....but he needs to find new sounds.

the only plus for pvd in my mind...is the fact that he can play some great electro/techno sets..but he only does it in germany.

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Originally posted by back2basics-

No i think S&D do have a reasonable balance. As you ay Sasha and Digweed do still keep it pretty real and they keep producing and to a minimum... i agree Scorchio is horrible.

ahh ok, i see what your saying, was confused..

they definetly do seem to stay right on the cutting edge.. i'm really anticipating sasha's album.. hope to hear some nice juicy breaks in there..

did u ever end up checking out cusick? he's at factory friday so i may be going..

2 times at factory in a week :eek: and then a 3rd the week after for johnny vicious :eek: :eek:


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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

everything said by b2b is correct.

but it does work for the crowds that go see him.

pvd is a gateway into the world of electronica...easy to listen and understand...but once you realize all of the statements b2b makes..you move on to more intelligent stuff.

his productions are done well....but he needs to find new sounds.

the only plus for pvd in my mind...is the fact that he can play some great electro/techno sets..but he only does it in germany.

yep.. see thats where my only claim to a different sounding pvd comes from.. sure it does have some resemblances to his normal set.. but he never bangs it out anywhere else the way he does in germany.. long hard and fast.. just like i like my sex ;)

but thats what he also did to us at twilo for the 2 year.. just wish he'd stop going back to his usual crap..

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