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called in a "sick" day...

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actual phone conversation between the president

of my company (there's six of us - our prez. is also

our hr person ;) ) circa 8:17am [just now]:



"hi, it's kris."


"oh hi kris!"

[longer pause]

"i... hate to do this, but i gotta call in a sick day."

"okay. we'll see you on monday...?"


"no problem... you feelin' ok?"

"yeah, i'll be alright."



in my infinite wisdom, i failed to realize that you

really Can't wake your ass up after a mere 2 1/2

hours of sleep after a 2 hour nap and a late night

of clubbing, and feel ready/able to work.

shoulda just requested today as a vacation day

about two weeks ago - i Knew i was going to stay

out late at limelight for directdrive's "depth" - and

that way i could have stayed till close...


i gotta learn to plan my life around this stuff

better rather than taking it as it comes and

paying the consequences on a per-instance basis :half:

thank God i don't work for a place where i'll

have to explain -why- i took the day off...

just reassure them that i'm ok afterward.

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Check this:

Worked 9-5 yesterday, went to happy hour for about 3 beers. Went by my friend's place and took a 2-hour nap.

Got up went over to PLANT to see NORTEC and MUGZ, then the crew headed over to LEPS, closed the place down, then got some grub.

Then I went home, showered, packed my bag for the weekend headed back to work, and here I am.



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Originally posted by lavendermenace



all day long on those babies.

solid, lavendermenace. i must say that every Friday morning, as i log on, i am continually impressed by your late night exploits and ability to get to the office.

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Originally posted by sd

solid, lavendermenace. i must say that every Friday morning, as i log on, i am continually impressed by your late night exploits and ability to get to the office.

Why thank you!

I am quite the bad ass, LOL

But I have to say, last thursday night almost killed me, and I'm not sure I'm going to make it to lunch without passing out.

Gotta find somewhere to take a powernap around here....:o

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Gotta find somewhere to take a powernap around here....:o

i used to love when i worked at Abercrombie (don't hold it against me) in college, i would go into the stock room and make a nest out of all the fleeces and pass out.

sleeping under your desk isn't nearly as comfortable. it sucks that its not sunny out, a nap on the grass in Union Square or some such area would have done wonders for you.

good luck gettin' though the day, have a fun weekend.

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