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Bjork Tickets?? Anyone??!!??!!

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Sold out in fuckin 10 min!!! I was shut out too. I almost started crying. Fortunately, I found myself a bjork-angel who had extra's,so keep trying, and good luck to you too. There are good ppl out there, but if you can't find any one, there is always the dreaded free market, though I hate supporting the evil ebay scalpers since they r the ones who bought all the tickets we fans should have had and are taunting us with ridiculously over-priced tixs. I wish you the best and hopefully I'll see u there.

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Dude tell me about it...I tried my darnest to order online, that didn't work, tried calling Damn cell phone disconected. WHERE IS MY BJORK ANGEL?? OH..and over priced tickets..tell me about it 410 a pop?? What??? But please if there are any sweet angels out there, bless me I'm in need. :tongue:

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410?!?!what??? I got orchestra seats in the second section back from the stage for 70 bucks! Just for future reference, the trick is CALL TICKETMASTER IN A DIFFERENT STATE when you're buying them...i MIGHT be able to get 1 ticket, but thats it, 1...no way i can get two....good luck tho

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Good Grief... inflations a bitch! dude if you could get one ticket I might be interested, Oh..and thanx for the tip about the other state thing...I should have done that...I was so close too..damn...There are some evil forces out there not wanting me to go! But I sure am playing the shit out of all my Bjork Cd's to make up for the fact.... Oh...on a side note..is anyone here going to Junior's party Sat?

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Sorry I replied late dude, haven't been online in a bit. Last Sat went to Junior's party..Fucking awsome...Still recovering...is all I have to say. OH and..I GOT MY BJORK TIX!! FUCKIN-A I'M SO HYPED!! Oh, and let me know about any future parties...thanx :cool:

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