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Love is the most wonderful feeling on earth and you will know when you feel it. Love is easily confused with lust. It will hit you with just a look, it makes your heart skip a beat and puts a lift in your walk. You get a butterfly feeling everytime you see the person and every little word or look you can remember like it was the first.

Love is not impatient or unkind

Some once said to me....."you should not have to work at love"

Oh my Good God were they right.

I wish the joy of LOVE on everyone!!:heart: :heart:

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Love is unexplainable... Love is just something you feel and you know its there... In my opinion you only fall into it once, true love that is. and then the rest are a shy comparison to it...

but more importantly dont go looking for it cause youll never find it... if you find it with in yourself first, meaning love yourself (not concededly, but you know what i mean) and accept who you are and who are becoming then other will too and you will meet people like you similar to you and that will eventuall spark an intrest in one another and then bam its a snowball effect, and it all goes from there.

but bottom line is Love yourself, accept yourself, find yourself and then youll find love...

Keep your head up... apples...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Love is unexplainable... Love is just something you feel and you know its there... In my opinion you only fall into it once, true love that is. and then the rest are a shy comparison to it...

but more importantly dont go looking for it cause youll never find it... if you find it with in yourself first, meaning love yourself (not concededly, but you know what i mean) and accept who you are and who are becoming then other will too and you will meet people like you similar to you and that will eventuall spark an intrest in one another and then bam its a snowball effect, and it all goes from there.

but bottom line is Love yourself, accept yourself, find yourself and then youll find love...

Keep your head up... apples...

beautiful explanation.......
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Love may be beyond me, but I can ask wiser men...

Kahlil Gibran once wrote:

"For even if love crowns you, so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.

He threshes you to make you naked.

He sifts you to free you from your husks.

He grinds you to whiteness.

He kneads you until you are pliant; and then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for god's sacred feast...

...but if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's thresthing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears..."

Homer Simpson once said:

"Ah, Love. The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems"

No, wait, I think he said that about beer. Well, same thing.

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If I have learned anything it is that there is no one true definition for love.

There are so many versions, forms, and expressions of this word.

There is love for one's family, which grows out of caringness, attatchment, and a bond between members.

There is a friendship love which grows out of trust, loyalty, shared experiences, and many other aspects.

There is puppy love, which I'm sure everyone has had. It is a naive and innocent love.

There is love of a bf/gf who you have shared a lot with. You cherish that person for who they are and the times you have spent together.

Then there is true love. That one person who you were meant to be with in life...your soulmate. I used to think that this could only come in a romantic form of love...but I think everyone finds this person in their lives...it just might not be romantic. such as a best friend.

True love to me is is finding a person who fits you. Someone so beautiful it makes you want to be a better person. Probably the most profound feeling in the world....someone who truely completes you.

If any of you have seen Good Will Hunting ... think of Robin Williams description of his love for his wife while they are in the park.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Love is unexplainable... Love is just something you feel and you know its there... In my opinion you only fall into it once, true love that is. and then the rest are a shy comparison to it...

but more importantly dont go looking for it cause youll never find it... if you find it with in yourself first, meaning love yourself (not concededly, but you know what i mean) and accept who you are and who are becoming then other will too and you will meet people like you similar to you and that will eventuall spark an intrest in one another and then bam its a snowball effect, and it all goes from there.

but bottom line is Love yourself, accept yourself, find yourself and then youll find love...

Keep your head up... apples...

Where have you been hiding??? More people(men/women) need to understand the concept/theory/idea of love...........

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Originally posted by spragga25

Sure it is...Would tell ya about it but I don't have 5 hours to write it all out...All I have to say is "Nice guys ALWAYS finish last!!"


Not true, but they do get bad names from guys who are jerks.....

Nice guys are the ones who have respect and don't don't treat women like objects, cause we aren't:o

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