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Doing it for the Kids! (A FREE night with Crystal Method & Fat Boy Slim!)MUGZ BABBLE!

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Damn! And just when I just gone done telling a friend of mine how much MTV sucked ever since they dropped AMP and Liquid Television They go and pull a stunt like this! A FREE outdoor event under the moonlight sky and the River breeze! Many of you perhaps where too burnt from the weekend debauchery and festivities all over town perhaps or maybe the name of MTV painted images of Carson Daily fans holding TRL signs, Well YOU FUCKERS MISSED OUT! Because it was a great night to see FREE talent without Velvet ropes..lists..or a $25.00 cover charge if you got in line too late! Shit was open air shenanigans and amazing visuals! Totally made me think of how cool Cream fields or Mekka could have been. (sob)

LM and I started the night by meeting DAVE (Yes THAT Dave!) and RAY from Clubplanet at The Village Idiot! A Classy move in Dave's part! Love that Dive..(Nothing like Jonny Cash to start your night) Funny no one recognized each other until I wrote MUGZ on a napkin and put it on my shirt! After introductions (And many pints of Bass) We walked through the meat packing district over to Pier 54 and got in a line that turned out to be quite tame compared to my fears of a mob. Moving right inside, and eventually corralled like cattle, we where let into the main floor..

I believe it was Barry Ashworth that started the night with a very funky "duby" house set (A bit too housy for me though he did drop the always crowd pleasing Azido da bass which got me hopping around a bit)

He was followed by MJ Cole with a proper Two Step set that eventually kinda lost me. Perhaps I'm too much of a YANK to fully understand the Two Step sound but it just sounded like really fast R&B to me. Alvin and the Chipmunks on 45 even! (Here's where I show my age)

By then I wanted something heavier and boy did CM deliver. Dropping siiick Diiiirty heavy bass lines and looping acid soundwaves the fucked my skull and raped my brain. (Or it could have been that dime bag I found in my wallet by surprise earlier in the night) Fucking light show was menacing and blinding at times..going through almost the entire Greatest hits (Or better titled "ELECTRONIC MUSIC FROM CAR COMMERCIALS WE ALL LOVED") and delivering fucked up tweeked out mixes of some big beat classics. Electronica with a Rock attitude and Big Beats that literally shook the audience with mega woofers! HELL they even had "NOSEY" breakdancing on a stage at a certain point. It's still amazing to think that these guys had NY completely OUT of tour dates and wound up performing for free.. Especially after NY didn't even cash in on the Festivals they where a part of! What great guys! Nice to see artists still DOING IT FOR THE KIDS!

Great show and a beautiful outdoor spot to witness another angle of Electronica..LIVE PRODUCERS! CM Eventually finished off the night by molesting the keyboards with "Get Busy Child" (Alla speed version) And Thanking, NY they exited the stage and made room for Mr. Fat Boy himself!

what can you say about a DJ that starts his set with giant projections of Pills flying at you through space. Monsterouse giant yellow Happy faces and subliminal messages urging the audience to smile..and not take it all so seriously! In fact Fat Boy's set was more a humorous journey through Madonna remixes and tongue in cheek surprises. Dropping everything but the Kitchen sink into his mix Mr Fat..ummm..Mr boy..(Or is it MR SLIM?) Had to be the Joker of the night with a friendly wave at an audience that is perhaps more use to a four on four Trance or House journey. In fact this was about as far from that world as you could get..Tribal at times (It Begun in Afiiiikaaa!) Hokey and swanky at others and topping it off with the always bouncy star 69..(The Words never sounded more true to me.."They Know what is what but they don't know what is what they just strut!") All too true in a time of expensive small dance floors with drink minimums and dress codes! How nice it was to dance outdoors for a change to the sounds of a different BIG BEAT! Truely enjoyable evening..

Under the stars..away from the VIP rooms and with music that felt as fresh as the ocean breeze. KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

(Nice to finally meet Dave and Ray. Bring Lighters next time guys! Too bad Most of you couldn't make it..you missed a REAL treat and a rare moment in NY night life!)






*If you actually read all of this place a star on your forehead!:D

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i went, and u're right - it rocked. I got tired by the time FBS showed up - was gonno leave, but I'm glad I stayed till the end - his tracks had a happy bouncy feel to it that was a perfect touch to end the nite, and he sure made the crowd bounce with his energy. I'd say more but u've said it all...so, dats it.

Didnt make it to the afterparty @ Filter though....but its all good!

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

GLAM, dress code, cover charge...



You'll probably be hearing those terms even MORE in my vocabulary now since I'll be working the VIP room this Saturday

@ Twirl.

Life has its strange twists and turns don't it kiddies!?

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