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Anybody know what is going on with Exit? Are they closed for awhile due to problems or are they remodeling? I hear two different things. Cause if Exit is done for awhile that will be bad for the city. The club scene sucks big time right now, besides vinyl(friday's DT #1) and Factory(saturday), everything else sucks.

Any real information not bullshit rumors would be helpfull.


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If Exit is closed how is it bad for the city? Besides the kickbacks that maybe some city officials get, I think the rest of NYC will be able to survive. If you think 'Everthing else sucks', I feel for you kid, if you think Exit, Vinyl and Factory are the only clubbing options in the city. There are other great clubs, lounges and parties in NYC, maybe you should venture out some more.

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GQraver, don't be so hard on pglkm... whether or not you like Exit you have to open your mind and realize that it WOULD be really bad for NYC nightlife if it closed. First Twilo, then Tunnel, now maybe Limelight... and this only in the past few months! It seems like everyday there are fewer venues to party in. And with each closing it makes all remaining clubs 1. way more packed (resulting in changes in the patrons and thus the vibe) and 2. more vulnerable to getting shut down themselves.

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i'm not under a rock..i heard there was a sign on the door saying they are close for others reasons..maybe it a scam..besides one of my friends works close by there..and said there is no construction trucks anywhere near exit...maybe the time he went by exit it was quiet...so just wondering if anybody had the inside scoop..as far as the club scene maybe it doe's not suck but i don't think it is that good either lately..not like the old days.. i have been to a few lounges and bars..they are alright..hey you know some hot spots on saturday nights enlighten me..i let you know if i like them..

this is new york city..it's like going to prison when you goto a club..i just went to a club out of the city..and it was hardcore..no searches going in everybody partying having a good time..no fights no problems..music was insane too..everybody was free..i did not have to worry about going in my pocket to get money to buy my girl a drink with some bouncer looking at me like i'm pullin out drugs or something....i had a great time..let people have fun when they go out if they want too...as long as noone gets hurt..of all the people that party in clubs how many O.D...more people O.D. in the streets than they do in clubs..let's face most people party at clubs(whatever they choose to party with)just like they did back in the days..clubs were three times worse back then..and if you go out without partying who cares if everybody around you is fucked up..the whole system is fucked..i don't know if it's the mayor or Politics or what...and i think the club scene in new york is starting to feel..you go out of the country to some clubs and they fucking live it up..and i'm not promoting drugs in clubs..and by the way i consider alcohol a drug too..i know people that died(destroyed their insides.pissing blood..the whole thing..heavy liquor fucks you up bad after a while....but it's legal so it's o.k..and i know people who their lives ruined from it..i think as long as you party in modration it's cool..that's the key..

i'm just speaking opinions thats all..no drama..feel free to speak yours..

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