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Xanex , Lithium, Valium..


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Xanax and Valium are benzo's, they reduce anxiety. Wonderfull for getting alseep after a night on the town, of bringing someone back from a bad trip "so to speak"

Very little recreational value, but some like them with alcohol

Lithium is a antipsychotic and anti depressant. It works totaly different than the normal antidepressant that usually target seratonig (zolof, paxil) or dopamine (welbutrin)

If someone is on Lithium.. they probabally have some serious imbalances/issues.

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xanax and valium are anti-anxiety meds. most people combine them with alcohol. it's fun, but when you wake up the next morning, you won't remember a damn thing you did that night. it makes you feel really drunk and usually makes you sick. i also agree that they help when coming down off a roll. i've never heard of people taking lithium for fun. it's used to treat bipolar disorder.

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Valium is fun to chill on (yellow 5mg) Blue (10mg) will make the average guy very realxed, a little sleepy. You won't black out or shit like that unless you are drinking a buttload...Valium is cool to take and go and chill (no drinks) smoke a little bud and your set.

Xanax is an end of the night drug. Great for that speedy roll that just won't go away. The sticks (2mg) are the strongest and most sought after..they will knock you the fuck out... the smaller doses look like little footballs...peach ar .50mg blue is 1.0...My advice is if you take these...best to stay home.

Stay the fuck away from the librium

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