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too drunk at a gay club

Guest tilly

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Guest tilly

Last night my friend and I got kicked out of a gay club for being too drunk...

My friends and I went for some drinks at an undisclosed location out of town. My one friend and I were in the mood for more dibotery that we stayed out for some more drinks.

It was time to dance and we decided on this gay club down the street where we can listen to some down latin grooves and stumble home (and it's not like you have a ton of places to choose from on a Monday night here either)...

We pay the $5 cover each and make our way to the first bar we can find. My friend props herself up on the chair and attempts to order a drink...slurringly says, "I'll have a rum and coke" as the bartender comes back with, "I'll give you a double shot of coke, no rum." She repeats herself and says, "I'll have a rum and coke." The bartender says, "you don't need anymore liquor and I am not going to serve you." So I say, "come on, lets go dance." ...since that's what we were there for anyway. We make our drunk asses to the dance floor and start off a little stumbly...finally kicking into gear a few steps in and started dancing our asses off.

We finished the song when all of a sudden..tap tap on the shoulder from the security/police who continue to escort us out the "back door"..why I ask?


Lets see here...

1. we were not screaming obsenities to the bartender

2. no one fell to the floor

3. no violence

4. no interactions with anyone else in the club aside from a look here and there while dancing

We were both too drunk for conflict but when asked for our money back since we were there all of 10 minutes, they said to call the manager today...eh hemmm.... I am flying out today. I don't have time to call the manager. WTF

Anyway, we stumbled home not knowing what just happened. I've been kicked out of my share of establishments before, but this..this didn't warrant a dismissal...

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it sucks that you got kicked out, being fairly well versed at getting kicked out of bars/clubs/drinking establishments, i would tend to say that it had less to do with your state than with your gender. assuming (i could be wrong) of course that you are a woman and this bar caters predominantly to gay males. someone in a position of authority other than the door people could have decided that you shouldn't be there and your drunken state gave them the excuse they needed. or they could be really anal. either way its fuct.

regardless, great job on getting hammered on a Monday night.

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by sd

it sucks that you got kicked out, being fairly well versed at getting kicked out of bars/clubs/drinking establishments, i would tend to say that it had less to do with your state than with your gender. assuming (i could be wrong) of course that you are a woman and this bar caters predominantly to gay males. someone in a position of authority other than the door people could have decided that you shouldn't be there and your drunken state gave them the excuse they needed. or they could be really anal. either way its fuct.

regardless, great job on getting hammered on a Monday night.

Now my situation seems like a joke next to this morning's activites...I can't even breathe...It feels fucked up to be out of town and not know if some of my friends are alive and not be able to contact anyone!!!!!!

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Originally posted by tilly

Now my situation seems like a joke next to this morning's activites...I can't even breathe...It feels fucked up to be out of town and not know if some of my friends are alive and not be able to contact anyone!!!!!!

no shit.

i thought about how insignificant all of daily actions are, you know getting kicked out of bars, shopping in supermarkets where there is so much choice in regards to food you have no idea what to buy, going to watch stupid movies like Bubble Boy (not to mention producing them). my first thought was how shallow these things were in relation to what happened today.

then as i thought about it more i got more and more frustated and angry at the situation, that there are people out there that are so fucked up that they resort to violence to try and solve problems, liked thats ever worked. i'm angry at the fact that there are people that work in the towers may never be able to enjoy the insignificant occurences of everyday life, such as going to bars and getting wasted, or reading, or fucking around with your friends (or more significant like, children, weddings, b-days, and graduations). THATS, NOT FAIR. we should live in a world that is so safe that the seemingly insignificant things are significant.

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Guest tilly

I hear ya. The thing that gets me is that I almost didn't come here (my out of town spot), but I was trying to follow the music, if you will. My friend ended up botching up the days of the event so I missed it and almost cancelled this part of my trip all together. Then you start doing the what ifs.

I mean, I don't work at the WTC, but still. I am so sick to my stomach about this. I can't even be articulate at the moment.

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