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This Country Is Full Of Pussies!!!!!

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I have to agree here.... Since we probably won't figure out who did this exactly.... They should all be made an example.... All those fucking countries have been screwing around for far too long.... They should all be put down.... What did we do to Germany when they started a war.. We restructered their entire country... Why don't we go in there with Russia and reorganize the whole fucking Mideast... They are not a problem to just us... They having been causing shit for the last 50 years... it's about time something is done about it.... Why can't we all agree USA, Russia and everyone else to just finish this nonsense!!!

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IT'S NOT HATE...JUST MAKE A STATEMENT NOT TO FUCK WIT THE U.S. freakin everyone wants the USA to go down cuz we're a power country...rite now those terriorist r laughin and partying cuz they caused havok and chaos to us...well we should do the same, freakin bomb them when they dont expect it...make them pay for the thousands they have killed and suffering....this is a day we'll remmeber and they should pay for their doings.... but then the U.S. doesn't has morals and all da time lives by 2 wrongs dont make a rite....and in war there r no winners....this is a big tragedy for the U.S. and should make them pay!!!!!

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I hate to say it

But you guys are out of your minds.


Because you never know who's going to push that button which will nuke our entire city, and then what? Pussy? Fried pussy.

Hatred isnt the answer, either is full invasion... Surgical strikes are.

Who knows what happens, but I pray ALL RELIGIONS recognize and realize what kind of evil this is.

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Originally posted by crystalmethod

I hate to say it

But you guys are out of your minds.


Because you never know who's going to push that button which will nuke our entire city, and then what? Pussy? Fried pussy.

Hatred isnt the answer, either is full invasion... Surgical strikes are.

Who knows what happens, but I pray ALL RELIGIONS recognize and realize what kind of evil this is.

no offense but there is no god...if there was a god shit like this wouldn't have happen...freakin innocent peeps dyin for wat...and dont give me dat bs about it's not gods doin it's man's doing...cuz wat kinda test is god tryin to pull....its all freakin nothing but brain washin shit dat makes peep believe in something dat aint there....sorry but if there is a WW3 i'm down to die for my country....

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Originally posted by ephor

shut the fuck up you pussy bitch, i will be the first online if we gonna invade the mid east or effort to wreck there faggot ass pussy shit, we let them walk all over us, fuck that, smash them and take over and re run there shit, its causing death in my backyard fuck them ive never been 2 angry at terroism, a little but this is just too fucking far i want blood ... i know we r not cowards we need to aveage all of our innocent lives lost, destroy all there armys and make an example!!!! kill those fuckers

shouldnt u know your enemy b4 u make threats? who are "those fuckers?" u call 4 blood, but have u ever actually killed a man or seen a man slain?

only a fool calls 4 blood b4 he knows his enemy. same can be said of someone who has no idea who they are calling a "pussy bitch."

show some respect. be careful what you say and who you say it about, mike.

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Originally posted by sirdante

shouldnt u know your enemy b4 u make threats? who are "those fuckers?" u call 4 blood, but have u ever actually killed a man or seen a man slain?

only a fool calls 4 blood b4 he knows his enemy. same can be said of someone who has no idea who they are calling a "pussy bitch."

show some respect. be careful what you say and who you say it about, mike.

Ignorance is bliss, Dante... Ignorance also caused one of my favorite landmarks to be horribly destroyed, and my friends inside to probably die. I beg they're ok.

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