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party on party ppl & keep doing that thing u do


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sirdante has said it b4 and is about to say it again. in these troubled times, individuals can make the world a better place by doing the small things around them that make a difference.

sure, you can debate what the gov should do to change things. yes, you can sit around and figure out what is wrong with other ppl. also, you can talk about them and what they are doing to ruin everything.

however, the only thing that you can do to make a difference is that one "thing" that you can accomplish. its that real, tangible, attainable "thing" that can save the world.

when war and hate step up, you need that "thing" to be peace and love. when bigotry and violence front, you need that "thing" to be unity and respect.

you can cry everyday for 10 years after your brother dies in a war, but tears wont bring him back. if, however, u spend a lifetime practicing peace and working for justice u might prevent a war and stop many other brothers and sisters from dying.

peace, love, unity, and respect is the motto of todays party ppl. these are nothing but empty words if not put into action. but once practiced, PLUR can make all the difference in the world. now, more than ever, we need love to rule the day. now, more than ever, we need a show of force through the strength that comes from peace. now, more than ever, we need to respect our neighbors, friends and enemies alike. now, more than ever, we need to unite.

we, the party ppl, do make a difference. we have set the example that can change the world. lets not give up.

u know what i am talking about if u, like me, have ever been stone cold sober on a dancefloor in a crowded NYC nightclub with the music thumping and the pretty ppl dancing and you thought "wow! why cant the world always be like this? this is so easy!" if u have been in that place, u realize how easy it is to love. now, as we watch the WTC horror, which some are calling the prelude to WWIII, we see how easy it is to hate.

however, the choice is yours. do u take the easy way out and choose hate today? or do you work harder to bring out the love within yourself? if the only lessons of history are violent ones, where will the cycle of hate end? if, however, somewhere in the future, historians can look back on this time and this place where peace, love, unity and respect became the rule of day, then we will have changed the course of human history.

pls dont reply by calling me a "pussy" (as some here have already done). i have personally seen what happens when ppl lose loved ones to the ravages of war. most of us have. thats exactly what we need to work to stop.



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