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My thoughts on the events of this week!


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I walked into the office Tuesday morning, and the first thing I saw, was my co-workers watching the TV. When I realized, what they were watching, I was devastated. for a moment, it looked like a scene from a movie. I spent a frantic 10 minutes, trying to reach my family in New York. Although none of my family, works near the trade center; I just had to hear their voices. My emotions on Tuesday were like a roller coaster. I cried, felt anger, and hatred. I’m not overly religious. However, I found myself looking to god for an answer. It’s been said; life lessons can often come in strange ways. In this tragedy is a lesson. Right now; I’m not sure what that lesson is.

Many of us have friends, and family in New York. It is my sincere hope, that all of your families, and friends are safe. My hopes and prayers are with the victims, their families and the rescuers. May they find the strength to survive this.

I hear lots of talk, of retaliation, and although I am still very angry. I understand the President’s desire to approach this matter cautiously. Dropping a few bombs, and wiping out Afghanistan is a temporary solution; to a rather complex situation. As the President said "we must declare a war on terrorism". Imo this war won’t be won overnight, but will be an ongoing matter, that undoubtly will involve the lost of even more lives.

I am not a fan of President Bush, however he is my President, and I stand behind him 100%. This past election divided this country. If we learn anything from this; it is that we must stand together as one. When we are divided, we are weak. When we are united we are a force.

I stand proud of my country, and our will to survive.

Peace, Tony

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