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I missed you guys. :( Well, some of you, anyway. :tongue:

So, did anyone make it out to Buzz on Friday? It was exactly what I needed. OK, if you hate sap, then turn your head. But I gotta share what I experienced on Friday night.

The short version of the story - I went to Buzz with a bunch of my friends. I was in the middle of the dance floor, dancing my ass off. Ali was dropping some dirty, dirty beats. I stop for a moment to take a rest, look all around, and admired the most amazing sight. Hundreds (maybe thousands?) of people, dancing, smiling, enjoying the music, taking a break from reality, the lights swirling around them. I sat there, with a big smile on my face, and just watched. I observed every little detail of the place. The sounds from the speakers, the lights, the HUGE flag in the back. And I remember thinking to myself 'Everything's gonna be allright. I'm getting a glimpse of heaven here. And if this is my equivalent of heaven, then all those people who are gone must be somewhere even better, listening to some great DJ in the sky, dancing, smiling, and having a great time'. It was exactly what I needed. I think I took a step closer to achieving acceptance of what happened. I'm still torn up about people's brothers, sisters, parents, friends getting hurt or dying, but I realized that they're out there somewhere, dancing and celebrating with each other in ways that I only could begin to imagine Friday night.

Just had to share that with you guys. Ok, so I wasn't what you would call 'sober' Friday night, but it was still an enlightening experience.

And it's a good thing it was Deep Dish and Scott Henry Friday night, and not Oakie. Otherwise, I would've thought I was in hell. :D Sorry, had to throw in a little Oakie bashing for no reason. C'mon, I can't be all sap and no sarcasm ;) Amazing, amazing night. Hope some of you were there.

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