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Message From Danny Tenaglia


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This was posted on another board.

i have cancelled my trip to the UK/Ibiza

Dear friends,

Due to many obvious reasons, I have decided that as of last night, I am certain that I will NOT be leaving NYC on Tuesday evening to go overseas. (That's even if we were able to leave NYC considering with all of the flight delays, departures, arrivals, etc.)

I was scheduled to play in the North of London on Wednesday night at "Sanky Soaps" (which I hear is a phenomenal party), and also on Friday with Lawler at another venue in London. Then I was scheduled to leave London on Saturday to get to Ibiza to play the Closing Party of "We Love Sunday's at Space", and believe me. as hard ad it was of a decision to make, I felt it's best I stay here in New York at this time.

I know there are many people who have saved up to travel with us to Ibiza, especially for this closing party of the season event, and I'm even guessing some of them may also have decided to cancel going themselves as well, or might not have been able to even get there again due to the Airport drama's or other reasons, hopefully not sad ones either.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about being in an airplane at this time (who wouldn't?). Also, I still am not feeling much up to playing music and being at parties as the entire world is in mourning.

I guess being here in NYC really makes that much more of an impact seeing the smoke, the different skyline and fighter jets circling my home to protect President Bush while he was in town first hand with my own eyes.

Last but not least, I also would NOT want to be stuck in another country not being able to get back to New York as scheduled, or if God forbid there were more attacks, or even worse, an actual war here. :0

So, I hope everyone understands my position and will please spread the word for me if you know of anyone in Ibiza or in the UK that may have been wondering if I was actually going to appear there or not.

Depending on the situation in NY next Friday, "IF" we can open the doors to Vinyl, ours plans are to still have DJ's Rich Woods and Mac play as scheduled, and I will do a late after hours set, as I still would like the both of them to have a good amount of hours to do "their thing".

God Bless America & our entire planet!


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