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Holy Sh*t I Got Into CP!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Emmitt

nabuc, i haven't yet been able to go to a good rodizio yet........there's one in elizabeth that i've been to thats kind of ghetto....eviljavs like it though...hahaha

cigs where ya at kid?

I'm here...just don't know that much about chicken!!!

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

SPYGIRL.... Too funny.

Everyone I work with thinks Im nuts, well they already did before the CP. Their like you really love the CP. They ripped on me the one day when I got a private message from Denny Tsettos. Their just jealous HEE HEE.... Well.... better than work!!!!!!!!

Or at least pretend too. It totally helps pass the day. Hopefully there won't be anymore worms and errors....

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Originally posted by Emmitt

ya missing out kid.....F the colonels blend of secret spices.....whats the deal with the paintball???

I'm not saying I wouldn't want to eat...just that I haven't. What are you talking about colonels???

Paintball??? I don't know....ask Trickdaddy, I think he has his own version of paintball in mind.

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76


Nabuc- Thanks for the review, quite in depth, it was appreicated by my co-worker, I have no $$$$, So I will not be attending any expensive dinners. Im lucky I can afford to buy lunch!!!!!!!!

That was nice of you to reply though! THANKS.

No problem.

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Originally posted by eviljav666

Yo i just talked to johnny face...we doing this!!

Cigs i heard you and Trikk are in charge..

iam in!!sat/sun. sleep or no sleep


I'm not in charge of shit. Emmitt is the one that suggested the idea. Trickdaddy would be more then happy to set everything up.


Emmitt---I think the boards take turns being down.

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iam in charge..you guys are down!! so we should meet somewhere and start driven we dont have to make reservations just drive to the field..we can check the one on 17 somewhere or we can go to this one on the boarder of jersey and philly..it about a 50 min drive but most diff the best terrian...


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Cool i got a hold of Looma already!

everyone else ill give us all the details tomorrow..

i say we go to the one in PA...if not we can go to one closer but the fields are awesome in PA..

Slops, little canals, streams, its phat!! and the local people are insane they take that shit realy serious!!

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76


THese boards are the worst!!!!

Just got into work cause I over-slept and being the good worker that I am im already on the CP!!!!!!!!

Addicted much.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It's okay, I bet half of us do that

All I have to say about paintball is "OUCH"!!!!!!

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