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let me ask a question...

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I am Indian and a Hindu. What if I came to a club? Would you assume I am middle eastern and/or muslim? Would you stare at me or make comments? Would you treat me badly or differently?

I am in NO WAY impying that middle eastern/muslim ppl are bad or to blame or to be treated badly b/c of what happened. Just b/c a few did this horrible thing does not mean that evryone of that ethnicity, faith or even color is bad.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by factoryhead

I am Indian and a Hindu. What if I came to a club? Would you assume I am middle eastern and/or muslim? Would you stare at me or make comments? Would you treat me badly or differently?

I am in NO WAY impying that middle eastern/muslim ppl are bad or to blame or to be treated badly b/c of what happened. Just b/c a few did this horrible thing does not mean that evryone of that ethnicity, faith or even color is bad.


To your question, yes and yes and yes

all itialians aint' guidos but we are all called one...

just the way the world turns.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i wouldnt

unfortunatley, im in a minority of views here:(

i am italian, but no one has ever called me a guido

No one has to call you a guido to be treated or looked upon as one..

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by Abstrakt

Bro that is so pathetic...you have a lot of growing up to do.

Naw, I don't think so bro, its reality, get use to it...Even Alan Keys last nite on Hannity and Combs said that americas should look at certain ppl from certain nationalitys,,,,did I mention alan keys is a minority!!!!! REALITY!!!!!!!! that is all it is!

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Originally posted by saleen351

Naw, I don't think so bro, its reality, get use to it...Even Alan Keys last nite on Hannity and Combs said that americas should look at certain ppl from certain nationalitys,,,,did I mention alan keys is a minority!!!!! REALITY!!!!!!!! that is all it is!

So what? Who cares what Alan Keys said? Alan Keys obviously doesn't know what the hell is going on...he certainly is no authority on international race relations. Are you going to believe everything the media spoon feeds you? Thats the problem, people's opinions are so manipulated by certain figures in the media, its become out of hand. Just cause some fool voiced his opinion on a talk show doesn't mean you should abide by what he's saying.

BTW, no I dont think all Italians are guidos lol...the majority of my friends are Italians and none of them are guidos or mafioso or anything like that...if I wanted to believe media stereotypes then, yeah, I would watch an episode of the Sopranos and equate that all Italians are in the mob. But that is definetely not the case, we need to stop stereotyping people and start looking at them for who they are, not what they are.

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i am proud to be italian, people can call me anything they want, i wouldnt get affended, in reply to the hindu, people are obviously gonna stare and stuff. Some people dont realize that not all muslims are part of this but they are gonna treat u different regardless, i feel bad for you ;)

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"I am Indian and a Hindu. What if I came to a club? Would you assume I am middle eastern and/or muslim? Would you stare at me or make comments? Would you treat me badly or differently?

I am in NO WAY impying that middle eastern/muslim ppl are bad or to blame or to be treated badly b/c of what happened. Just b/c a few did this horrible thing does not mean that evryone of that ethnicity, faith or even color is bad. "

No comment shall be made, no stares will be had,

"all itialians aint' guidos but we are all called one...

just the way the world turns."

False, Italians are not necessarily guidos. However, sweaty oiled up shirtless men who flexes all night in a club, can't dance for their lives, and grabs the buttocks of females without permission and then proceeds to react negatively when the said females becomes offended ARE guidos.

Coincidentally, should you be Indian, Hindu, and happen to be a sweaty oiled up shirtless man who flexes all night in a club, can't dance for your life, and grabs the buttocks of females without permission and then proceeds to react negatively when the said females becomes offended, then you WILL BE STARED AT AND COMMENTS WILL BE MADE ABOUT YOU. SPECIFICALLY, COMMENTS THAT LABELS YOU A GUIDO.

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haha, xpander, very well put, i hate those fucking guidos, they always try to fuck on the dancefloor, cant dance or relax for shit and always try to grab my gfriend's ass! and to factoryhead, dude, if you say you are hindu, i dont know why people would say anything, you dont look arab, i can tell a hindu from an arab from miles, and if they do say shit, they should shut the fuck up. i however would favor such profiling at places like airports and other vital areas, yes, call me racist, bigot etc, but ive read a transcript from EL AL, an israeli air carrier, which has the best safety rating in the world, they profile, and yes, they catch many, many, would be terrorists. if we have a chance to prevent a hijacking, i will take it at this price, as much as it hurts to say.

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