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MY Xgirlfriend is such a bitch...


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by dgmodel

I hate her, and everyone who's friends with her... and all my friends that are friends with her.. i hope they all die and burn in hell...


What happened... Did she leave you another steaming pile of crap on the front doorstep??:laugh::tongue:

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by dgmodel

I doubt youre friends with her.. shes prolly using you just like she uses everyone else... fuckin cunt rag. whore bitch... i hope she gets syphillis and dies...

I never met her.

What happened, why are you sooooo pissed off??

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the whole begining is a really long story that was in 4 yrs in the making... bottom line is now that after we broke up all she does is try to use me for different things and so forth... and now i found out that shes been trying to get with my friend... and i found out by him sending me the emails that she sent him saying she wants to get with him and so forth... however what her friends told me is that this crazy bitch wants to get back with me and shes doing it to make me jealous... now it doesnt make me jealous however it makes me furious... and it makes her look pathetic...

I told her plenty of times in the past to just leave me alone... i want nothing to do with you. nor even think about you... she broke up with me about a year and half ago and then about 6 months ago she tried to get back with me and i blew her off... LEAVE ME ALONE... but she always calls and asks for favors and bullshit like that... and forces me to just hang up on her or get furious and argue with her... i hope this is the fianal time... if not im getting a restraining order on this bitch...

when she finally moved to cali... i thought this saga was over but then a week later she calls and is lke im moving back and can you help me fix up my apt. can you get me a car... i need help with everything... FUCK YOU BITCH... leave me alone... quit using me and my friends... youre forcing me to hate you...

anyway now the same amount of love i had for her is now the same amount of hatred i have towards her...

Sorry this prolly doesnt make any sense since im all fired up and furious... i just got off the phone with her for what i hope is the last time...

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this the letter i sent her after i told her all this shit on the phone. just in case her schizophrenia drugs kick in and she forgets this whole conversation ever happend and calls me again...


I think its time for you to leave me alone already... i think youre pathetic and worthless... youre dead to me... dont bother writing back to me i wont read it i will only delete it. dont bother calling me ill only hang up on you. dont stop and say hi on the street to me, cause i will spit on you... and more importantly if you stop by or call or even think about me again for even a second i will get a restraining order against you, and sue you for aggrevated harassment... this is not an empty threat, nor some childish game i am being genuine and sincere... thanks for nothing... thank you for wasting 4yrs of my life and more importantly I TRULY THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE AND I THANK GOD EVERYDAY WE DIDNT GET MARRIED NOR STAY TOGETHER ONE MINUTE LONGER... KNOWING NOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU TRULY ARE...

Good Riddance...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

I hate her, and everyone who's friends with her... and all my friends that are friends with her.. i hope they all die and burn in hell...


I used to feel that way about my ex...But then I realzied all his friends like me and my friends, NOT him....:D

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After this evening.. im slowly realising that all my friends and some of her "friends" hate her as well... so its making this a little easier... but still the bitch needs to die... shes been putting me through almost 2 yrs of bullshit... i dont need this in my life.. especially not now with all this stress in my career and so forth...


i think TRAVIS said it best " why does it always rain on me? "

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Originally posted by dgmodel

After this evening.. im slowly realising that all my friends and some of her "friends" hate her as well... so its making this a little easier... but still the bitch needs to die... shes been putting me through almost 2 yrs of bullshit... i dont need this in my life.. especially not now with all this stress in my career and so forth...


i think TRAVIS said it best " why does it always rain on me? "

I take it this is the same girl whom, you wished still lived in CA....

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i agree but its just soooo fuckin frustrating... i want nothing to do with her and here she is kicking it to my friends.. and my friends diss and turn her down... then i have to hear about it from them.. shit its just fucked up ... you dont do shit like that . not even to youre enemies b. its all fucked up... im over her but this is the only way she still gets to me.. and i guess thats why she does it cause she knows its bothers me... who knows .. who cares. .. im out.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i agree but its just soooo fuckin frustrating... i want nothing to do with her and here she is kicking it to my friends.. and my friends diss and turn her down... then i have to hear about it from them.. shit its just fucked up ... you dont do shit like that . not even to youre enemies b. its all fucked up... im over her but this is the only way she still gets to me.. and i guess thats why she does it cause she knows its bothers me... who knows .. who cares. .. im out.

If she is willing to give it to your friends..She is a HO!!!! No girl who respects you and love you would do that, so she isn't worth the fucking smog you choke on:rolleyes: :eek::blank::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

been trying for the past 2yrs... but shes crazy... thats the problem... she wont leave me alone... but after all this tonight i think this is it... i told her off for the final time.. on the fon and in email as shown above... shes dead to me...

I dunno about dead, but maybe at two arms length....Do what you gotta do, but don't worry about her

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Guest jaxl

If they were really your friends do you think they would give her the time of day? Women like that aren't worth losing sleep over. She sounds like she's got some issues that need to be resolved. Stay away and get restraining order if you have to. If she's going to these lengths to get your attention, there's no telling what she'll stoop to.

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