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awww, thanks, wiggs!!! :)

it was a great weekend in ny, although i was somewhat apprehensive about going up there. but the weekend was all about quality time w/ good friends, which i think i really needed. went to twirl sat night - decent club, but horrible sound system. but my buds were spinning, and it was a disastor relief benefit, so it was all good.

sun we went to ground zero. it's still extremely dusty in the air and somewhat difficult to breathe. TONS of people milling around, taking pictures. it almost felt like i was in europe at the louvre, it was that crowded.

ground zero itself - wow. they don't let people very close, but we got as far as broadway & fulton. you can see the thickness of the debris that settled on top of the storefronts, phone booths, etc. the stores windows are broken, and you can see how far the soot and debris traveled inside the stores - all the way to the back. messages are written in the dust that covered the windows - we will not forget, we love ny, thank you nyfd, etc. there were national guardsmen guarding ground zero, equipped w/ gas masks. that was scary, solemn and foreboding. although we were far, we could clearly see the wreckage, the huge cranes, the partially destroyed wall w/ the windows that's on tv everywhere. firefighters are still battling smoke and a few small fires. and everywhere people have left little trinkets of support, love and remembrance.

those makeshift posters of the missing - they're everywhere. 1 of the first i saw was of a friend of a friend. we went to union square to pay our respects - the area is blanketed w/ posters of the missing, tributes to the missing/presumed dead and to the rescue workers, protests against war, calls to arms, etc.

wow, i didn't mean to make this such a long post. i'll leave you w/ this: ny is a changed city, but its strength and spirit has really shone through this epic catastrophe. i saw a shirt w/ the standard I (heart) NY, but slightly changed to read: I (heart) NY EVEN MORE. seriously amazing and inspiring.

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thanks for sharing Millie. hmm. . . no one's really posted anything in the aftermath of this tragedy. . .a huge contrast the heated conversations and emotional outpouring that i (i think most of all) had to deal w/amongst our friends/family. . .i don't really want to say anything cheesy or repeat some sentimental cliche. . .but really, the only time i remember feeling this vulnerable was back when the columbine shootings happened. . ..everyone's changed by this. . .even being an IR (int'l relations) major, the impact of world events never really "reached" me til now. . .that's all. . .

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Scratch, it's funny you should say that. I'm an IR major and I'm just hiding from this. I was at Pentagon City the other day and I was gonna go look at the blown up side but I was really just not interested in recognizing the reality of all this, 'cause that would mean New York is really blown up too. I have a poster of the NY skyline above my desk and no matter how hard I look at it I just can't make the towers go away.

Millele, it was kind of helpful to read your post. I was supposed to go back to New York this weekend as well but I didn't really want to see it, I'm not sure how I will react to that being from New York to begin with, it's really created a sore spot. I think I might go back as soon as I can though (could be two weeks more).

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