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Did anybody see DJ Louie Devito on Elimidate last night?

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you had to see this, he was the most obnoxious arrogant cocky mutherfucker i ever seen, and I'm not exagerating

Every other minute he kept talking about his new CD, he's the #1 DJ, his Ferrarri, over and over again, unbelievable.

and no he didnt get the girl in the end.

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Wait you mean Louie DeVito? The Louie DeVito? The man who so brilliantly put together that NY Underground Party v3 so brilliantly?

What a fucking joke.

Everyone who knows nothing about dance music has this CD for some reason. It is poorly mixed with nothing but commercial songs to claim. When I am in a music shop and I see someone looking at that CD, it is usually a 12 year old or some old dude buying it for his little girl. Go Figure!

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louie devito lives in my town, some big ass house. and we see his ferrari or lamborghini every once in a while. he shops at bang bang in the freehold mall. my gf used to work there, and she told me that one time he was in there and staring at one of the girl workers. he thought he was the shit cuz he's louie devito and that this girl would want him. she didnt even recognize him, and when she found out it was him, she didnt give a fuck. she just wanted him to stop staring and leave the store.

he sounds like an arrogant bitch to me.

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