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Freaking/Close Dancing to Techno/House/Trance?!?!

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what's the deal? what's with guys & girls hooking up on the dance floor doing the lambada to electronica? that's like trying to square dance to heavy metal. :huh::shaky:

i don't know about you, but i need room to groove to this type of music, by MYSELF (sure, dancing NEXT to people is fine, but rubbing up on people?!?!). is it just me, or is this an eyesore? :puke:

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Originally posted by loch

uh...that's just me being bitter cuz i can't get no booty on the dance floor.

me: wanna :hump: ?

girl: nono.gif

Oh come on now loch! I cant believe that! you're such a cutie. The chicks are probably all over your shit on the dance floor.

well listen babe, you can booty grind me anytime! thats right, I'm offering my booty for the grinding!


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Oh come on now loch! I cant believe that! you're such a cutie. The chicks are probably all over your shit on the dance floor.

well listen babe, you can booty grind me anytime! thats right, I'm offering my booty for the grinding!


is that invitation open to everyone??? ;):D

peace out


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

UMMM sorry Gianni. LOCH gets VIP treatment. Talk to my promoters and maybe you can get on the list, but its pretty selective.


it never hurts to ask you know....u dribble and shoot and hope for the best!! ill work on that list though :D

peace out


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

Oh come on now loch! I cant believe that! you're such a cutie. The chicks are probably all over your shit on the dance floor.

well listen babe, you can booty grind me anytime! thats right, I'm offering my booty for the grinding!



redface.gif s'okay. i'm into cheap thrills 'n all, but grinding against high leathered shoes does nothing for me. :tongue:

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Originally posted by loch

what's the deal? what's with guys & girls hooking up on the dance floor doing the lambada to electronica? that's like trying to square dance to heavy metal. :huh::shaky:

LMAO! great comment. I agree it's a pain in the ass when you're trying to dance to you have some guy trying to grab on you. Leave me the hell alone -- this isn't the hip hop floor! :mad: I find that for the few asses that try that, an occasional elbow here and there works effectively.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

LMAO! great comment. I agree it's a pain in the ass when you're trying to dance to you have some guy trying to grab on you. Leave me the hell alone -- this isn't the hip hop floor! :mad: I find that for the few asses that try that, an occasional elbow here and there works effectively.

so that was YOUR elbow last week.....;)

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Originally posted by senza

i don't know where you go that actually has space to dance (maybe you get there before 1am) but there isnt anything wrong with dancin with a few girls here and there.

Vinyl 1 am to 10 am theres plenty of space to dance

and the angry raver stomp is the shit

I agreee cant really get your stomp on with a biddy..... Plus not to many girls can keep up. or want to for that matter...

Dancing with my self ..... :singing: :bounce:


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i dont know about n e 1 else but i would never try to grab or touch someone i did not know even people i know have problems with bein touch by friends , but every time i dance close or start freaking in clubs it is with friends and it is like a love moment and i find my self going along with the voice (if there is one) i think i mostly do this to jungel, it's funny cause sometimes mid freak i will just leave and have to dance all crazy by myself:rolleyes:

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I'm with you loch...

I think the people that grind and rub each other to house music look ridiculous. Everyone's all sweaty and nasty. The sweat is just being exchanged back anf forth between the two people. I don't know what's so sexy/attractive about that and they are dancing too slow to the beats of house music. Anyway people do what they want, who am I to judge. Maybe they really think they look good. Just my opinion.......


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I went clubbing in LA in July. It was so wierd because every single guy in the place came up and wanted to grind someone. Now, I'm a New Yorker now and was introduced to the scene at Twilo, so I've never encountered that before.

New York is all about individualism, even on the dance floor.

It was mad annoying to beat these guys off. Then they'd ask why I wasn't dancing with anyone! I'm like, who does that to techno? It was weird. I like my city....

LA felt like my high school prom.

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