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FDNY NYPD overpraised


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by andwhysee

yes the FNDY and NYPD guys did their job and many lost lives on duty..but, they didn't really save anybody. i begin to think if the FDNY/NYPD guys didn't go into the tower after the first hit, more people would've evacuated cos the FD and NYPD guys were walking upstairs and taking many spaces. im not trying to be an ass but realistically the FDNY shouldn't have sent anyone to the building. People would've evacuated the buliding even without FDNY and probably more people from the WTC inside would've escaped.

Ok some reasoning by mr. saleen, I fully understand what you are saying, The problem is that you can't be a monday morning quarterback...In hind site, if we knew the towers were comming down I say keep the rescue guys out of there, but we didn't know that so they must go in and go in is what they did...

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ahh . . .this may be the stupidest thing i have ever read on the board . . .just out of curosity sake . . what do u do for a living . . u may be the biggest jerk off of all time . . yeah guys this idiot takes the cake . . .i also saw on larry king live that these the bravest of all men in the world the way i see it . . . saved 30,000 people in the evacution . . .what do u want them to do just hang outside the buildings . . ."oh yeah that buildin is comin down lets just wait and see what happens" then u the very same idiot,asshole, brainless wonder whatever u r . . .maybe ur an ameoba the a one-celled living organism the lowest of all life forms on earth . .that would say "what is wrong with the police and fireman they just sat there and watched . . .i pity such ignorace . . .

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Are you stupid?? They went in their to direct people out because since the smoke was so thick and people were panicing they went in to make sure everyone could get out. What the fuck are you talking about space in the stair wells? Have you ever seen the stair wells?? They are hudge, my mom used to work there, she was there when they got bombed in 93. YOu need to get your facts straight and appericate that these people put their lives on the line to help and save others. How ungrateful you are

Let me first start out by saying that this kid andwhysee is a true asshole and that there is really no use for his waste of humanity on this earth. I was in One WTC on the 81st floor that morning when the plane hit our tower. It did take some time for us to get out. Being that the NYPD and NYFD were coming up the stairs on the left hand side it did cause traffic to slow considerably because we were forced to go down the stairs in a single file. However, I love each and every man and even women that I saw walking up those stairs and putting their lives on the line to save mine. Still I shed a tear daily as I picture the images of those true hero's. Thank you.

And F you andwhysee.

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Your really a complete idiot...u know people come close but ur just complete, Firefighters and NYPD did save peoples lives, helping out the old and the handicap to actually make it out there, but i guess u know everything there shitbrick...



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Would you rather not have help in a time like that? They were doing their job and they did save people that couldn't get out on their own. I can't even go on explaining to you cause your so stupid and have no heart. You should try explaining your view point to the families who lost fathers, brothers, husbands and friends, then you should move to a place where they don't have police and firemen since they are so unnecessary to you. JERK OFF!

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Originally posted by andwhysee

yes the FNDY and NYPD guys did their job and many lost lives on duty..but, they didn't really save anybody. i begin to think if the FDNY/NYPD guys didn't go into the tower after the first hit, more people would've evacuated cos the FD and NYPD guys were walking upstairs and taking many spaces. im not trying to be an ass but realistically the FDNY shouldn't have sent anyone to the building. People would've evacuated the buliding even without FDNY and probably more people from the WTC inside would've escaped.

its people like you who needed to be in those buildings
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Originally posted by xtcgirlie

Umm regardless of anything Mike thats a messed up thing to say. No one deserved to be in those bulidings.

yea that was messed up....my emotions got the best of me but still that was a terrible thing for him to say.......
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although i dont agree with your reasoning about how more people could have gotten out if the FD wasnt in there, i agree with you on different terms...

4,000 went to work that day and died "in the line of duty" do you hear fund raisers being held for them??? NO. what about the guy that worked in the cafeteria making $8 an hour to support his family?? do they have any funds for their family?? NO. dont get me wrong, they deserve the credit, but how can you name the PD and FD and not name the other workers in that building?

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This is my point exactly, we understand that the firemen and policemen risked their lives and of course that is in the line of duty, but we do not care to think about the janitors and everyone else in there who makes shit for money, their lives are gone with no money going to their families, nothing, they probably work for a temp agency, which will hire some other John Smith for $6 an hour.

The FDNY and NYPD widows and others will be getting their husbands salaries for the rest of their lives, and increasing do to inflation. Of course its understandable that this is the correct thing to do. But then we add all the donations that have been pouring in, they will not have to worry about another thing in their life. Obviously we all know that they would rather have their husbands/wives, but what about the rest of the people with families, what happens to them, all those other companies will never have to give a penny considering they do not work for the city which has better system in terms of salary and repraisal. I think this is what the person meant when he started the thread. Finally in terms of space, it is quite limited when you see the video they shot from the inside, so for 50,000 people to come down the stairs it is quite small. My issue with this is, where are the engineers and architects to warn of the dangers of a collapse, they should know the risks and should have warned of the collapse, they drew up the damn thing...

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Yeah but thats why you have the architects/Engineers who know its capabilities. in addition, from what i have read, the towers were not built as strongly as we think. They were not supported with concrete support around the beams to withstand such heat, second the support beams were also just strong enough to withstand the weight of the floor they were supporting and not the added weight of other floors collapsing, as you can see during the collapse, it toppled over one on top of another. Finally, jet fuel from an airplane full is sign enough that the heat would be tremendous. The buildings were made cheaply to cut down on costs, which is obviously from our perspective the correct thing to do, since no one would imagine this would occur. Also, the empire state building was hit by a prop plane and not a 767, as someone has mentioned, so that is comparing apples with oranges. Finally, the FDNY and NYPD went with their gut and heart when they went in there, and no one can fault them for that, unfortunately had we known better at the time, such a thing could have happened.

The only thing though is the argument is not whether the structure is not strong enough since that has been noted a lot since the incident. I just think it is the lack of caring for the other people in there without the financial donations received similar to that of the FDNY and NYPD, because who says they weren't trying to save people themselves

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Yes the fundraisers for the FDNY and the NYPD are more front & center & bring more attention, but for the most part, a lot of the fundraisers have been for the victims and families of the attack not just the FDNY & NYPD. The victims & families of the attack I'm sure will get insurance through the companies that they worked for plus like I said there have been and will continue to be fundraisers for ALL. The only reason the one group receives more praise is because they went in there KNOWING what was going on, so they are being praised for their bravery. It's not that the other people weren't brave, it's just that they didn't have a choice. That's not to diminish the lose of their lives though, it's just a fact.

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True, we are not going to do a fundraiser for the janitors and doormen of the WTc, obviously that will never gain anything. In addition, yes there is money that will come to them, but to say the insurance is going to be received, highly doubtful, for one most people in those positions are hired by temp agencies and in no way will they be giving out any insurance money since it is not their duty. Plus, how often do people in their 20s or 30s get life insurance, not many..So the money that will trinkle down to them will not be significant enough, it will take care of them for the next year or two at most. Finally, I had mentioned something before on another post, it's great that the FD and PD are receiving, but they are already receiving the salary of their lost one for the rest of their lives (let's say 60,000 or more), so for them they will not have to worry for the rest of their lives which cannot be said for the rest of those people. I understand your points very well that is is more front and center, but the logistics of the whole thing to me does not deem very well for everyone.

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Most people, regardless of age, do have some amount of life insurance through their employers. $10,000 for a 25-year-olds life, isn't enough, I agree. As for the doormen, they believe it or not do have a union, so hopefully that will help. As for the janitors they are contracted out but should just the same, have some insurance. As for the FDNY & NYPD's families receiving pensions, well their salaries aren't all that, starting salaries are something like $19,000 and $21,000 respectively. I'm not trying to argue w/you, just adding to it. As has been stated before, all the money in the world will never compensate for the lose of a loved one's live. Only time can help heal the lose and nothing will ever ease the hurt.

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Some are unionized true, but my feeling though is that they are hired through temp agencies and in addition the cops are still starting at over 30,000, but I do not know what the FD gets but I am sure it must be equivalent, but anyway no reason to harp on the subject since the financial donations will never make due to the loss. Finally, considering the way the insurances are trying to get out of paying for terrorist actions who knows how they will handle the life insurance considering the circumstances. What a bunch of bastards, we pay and pay, but when it comes to dishing out for either property and or life loss they are not as willing. Hate to be skeptic, but I know in Europe the insurance is taken care of by the government so there is no need to look at their bottom line, hence payment is made just due.

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If anyone ever meets him slam him so hard for being such a fuckhead. Does anyone know who this is? Slam him sooooooo hard if you do.

Andy you are the biggest cunt on this message board- consider hanging yourself. thats the worst message i have ever seen.

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