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Good Morning NEW YORK

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Good Morning!!!!! Thank Goodness it's Friday! I thought this week was never going to end. I am not sure what's up for the weekend yet, all I know is that I am having quite a few drinks.........I need it after the week I have had! ;) ;)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

lunchtime... DAaag, GIRL, YOur gonna get your shimmy on EARLY!

i'll be headiin down to FUBAR and MICA later tonight for 2 b-day party celebrations...

come by, you won't miss me and my girl,,,, 2 blond stud muffins :tongue:

Thanks for the invite. Not sure what I am doing tonight yet. I was invited to BK, but not sure. ;)
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And it was actually a joke about the bar at lunch time...........hehhe , if I did that I would never make it home. I had one experience where I went out after work, and it wasn't pretty. I ended up drunk off my ass in Penn Station at 1am!!! Scary for a girl by herself! I learned my lesson, no more drinking and then going home alone!

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the party was already started for me...classes are over for today....*hands in the air; dances around*..so about 2pm going to the liquor store and hit up some gin/tonic and a case of heinenken.......then tonight after im fucked up.. headout to some frat and sor's parties and take it from there............Im in maryland so no clubs this far west

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Originally posted by goldenman

the party was already started for me...classes are over for today....*hands in the air; dances around*..so about 2pm going to the liquor store and hit up some gin/tonic and a case of heinenken.......then tonight after im fucked up.. headout to some frat and sor's parties and take it from there............Im in maryland so no clubs this far west

Sounds like someones gonna have a good night. Enjoy!!!! :tongue:
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Originally posted by angeluv

And it was actually a joke about the bar at lunch time...........hehhe , if I did that I would never make it home. I had one experience where I went out after work, and it wasn't pretty. I ended up drunk off my ass in Penn Station at 1am!!! Scary for a girl by herself! I learned my lesson, no more drinking and then going home alone!

yeah that sucks.

i've done it a few times.

hell, penn station SOBER at 1/2/3am is scary as f**k.

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