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Rutgers meetup....

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Okay, this totally wasn't my idea, and I don't want to take credit for it, because it was a great idea. xtotaleclipsex proposed that we have a dinner meetup for all of the Rutgers students that are on the boards. teklord310 suggested we have it on Thursday the 25th at Stuff Yer Face on Easton Ave. If anyone is interested or has any other suggestions... please reply!! I know I am in.

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uhhhh BUMP. Keep this alive so RU peeps know about it. Hell yeah! Meetup at Stuff Yet Face on Thursday October 25th. What time are you guys thinkin... 8pm or 9pm? SYF is an awesome place to chill for 18+ and 21+ people, so if you haven't been out there yet come out and play. Who is interested? I've got about 10 people in mind so far who should definetely be there. Reservations will be made a few days before the date to make sure we get a table, so LET ME KNOW if you are coming. PMs and IMs are welcome. Don't be shy....

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Yo - Rutgers New Brunswick here.. this sounds like a good idea. That way, when I've exhausted the shit outta all my clubber people from home and friends, etc.. I can just hit you guys up for a spin in the city on a Friday night.. what's the game plan now? Stuff Yer Face? I can get in right? I'm only 19.. what time, what day again, the 25th? Hmm.. once we got this figured out could someone PM or IM me (Codica3 or DiGiTaLGeTdoWn82) or even email me at Codica3@aol.com so I don't miss out on this shit..

By the way.. for all the Rutgers people.. what's everyone doing tonite (the 11th)? What's going on around campus?

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Hey Codica. We've settled on Thursday October 25th at 8pm at Stuff Yer Face on Easton Ave. I'm sure car pooling will be going on from livinston and busch and whatnot. This meeting is 100% open to anyone who is willing to come down, doesn't matter where you are from. I just need to know how many people are coming. If we have too many ... nah thats not possible. Glad that we finally settled on a date/place/time.

Tonight the 11th?? Big bar night at RU, but i'm taking this week off. I had an exam today and I've got one tommorow. Watch out next weekend.. its Homecoming. Good luck to all on exams. See ya

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Haha, now here's the hard part: making sure that I remember about this little meeting! Err.. I have like no memory cells left (hmm.. I should take better care of myself!) so I usually never make plans more than a couple hours in advance.. it's somewhat irresponsible of me, but that's what adds on my "spontaneousness" =) Just keep giving me reminders.. LOL.. I'm bad when it comes to planned events.

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Well, I'm not Exactly a RU student...not this year anyway, as buying a Porsche seemed to take priority...but if I can come down and meet the kids that keep my g/f company, I'm down. I know a few kats that grace the club scene back home, and even though its been RU specific, I was wonderin if I could bring them down...? Anyways, be good kids. I'll catch you when I can. Danny...here we come.

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hmm ok i don't go to rutgers either but i'm down there a lot :) i'll see if i can make it down there that night since my friend lives at the easton ave apartments anyway. can i bring those guys too even if they're not cp ppl? im me on liteflyr, k thanks!

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I want you to come... come to the meetup!!! PLEEEZZEEE!!! :D

you only want me to go so that i can find some fucked up parkin space and be in the same boat teklord is with new brinswick parking tickets and then u can laugh at me and say HA HA LOOK AT QUOTH, HIS DUMB ASS GOT A FUCKIN PARKIN TICKET TOO...

:laugh: :laugh:

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