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Any one in the area ever taken these rolls before? Just trying to get more info on them b/c I took some Sat. night and was damn near losing my mind. I've checked test results on them that said they were just MDMA, but we were all a wreck - hallucinating, overheated, etc. Any info would help. Thank you!

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Being somebody with an interest in all things pharmacology related, well I hafta to say it is E (MDMA). Some buddy's have taken them before and its the same sh*t, just under a different name and packaging....however I do think we should conduct a double blind placebo test and have us as experimental subjects:

1. Some take E

2. Some take the aforementioned product under discussion

3. Some take a sugar cube

Both the researcher nor the parties under stduy know who is takingwhat, just a thiord person unrelated with the experiment. Later to confirm results we do the old 'switcheroony' so that again we do not know who is taking what and to be on the safe side we do it again.

We all report on what we felt during the episodes and then compare notes, etc and then we find out who took what.

Totally scientific approach, may I permit to say so. Now who would fund such an experiment? Maybe the feds...

:D :D :D :D

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Were you guys taking anything else? Those symptoms are actually not uncommon for MDMA users. Perhaps they were double stacks (more MDMA)?

Ecstacy does have a hallucinogenic component and overheating is quite common. I'm guessing y'all just got a stronger pill than usual. Did you still get the euphoria and all that?

Did you check out dancesafe.com?

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BTW, if you were hallucinating, it's possible that the shit was MDA & not MDMA. Did you have a headache the day after and possibly today?

Um, not that I know from first hand experience or anything. I just read that on the internet somewhere. Yeah, they said some of the best rolls they had were MDA but the comedown was god awful. But don't quote them on that, cause they're not experts or anything. And I, I mean they did have a lot to drink so the headaches could've been a result of the alcohol. But on the other hand, it's happened everytime I, I mean they tried MDA, one of the most popular types being the Zorros aka Nauticas that were around last year for a bit. But I'm not, I mean, they're not experts on them or anything, so take it for what you will.

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Originally posted by lizard23

Maybe it's b/c I took 3?

Hmmm, no. 3's a nice, safe number. Now if you said 5, that'd make sense, but not 3. Did you happen to do anything else you forgot to mention? Like, say, ACID or MUSHROOMS?????

Jesus, H. You took 3 and you were wondering why you were off your rocker??? I'm always off my nuts after 3. You gotta expect that going in!! :D

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Yeah, maybe it was because you took 3. Potency between pills (even from the same batch) varies ALOT. Also, the alcohol you might have drank, and the dehydration it might have caused also leads to terrible headaches the day after and might contibute to all the weird sh*t you were seeing.


One good stack is Ripped Fuel with E! :D Or so I have been told...

One thing that usually helps in recuperating (if your still at the club especially) is drink TONS of water, I mean TONS, so you will have to take a leak constantly and get the sh*t out of your system.

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you should always test out your rolls w/ a dancesafe kit if you're not sure about them, b/c even the same pills can come from different batches and have different stuff in them. from my experience w/ MDA, they hit you like a dump truck and you physically cannot move, and feel like you're planted to the ground. my jaw also tends to clench down rather than just grind. i personally am not a fan of MDA, i really prefer the speedy MDMA ones. also, i've never experienced the hallucenegic effects on MDA.

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Originally posted by vicman

Yeah, maybe it was because you took 3. Potency between pills (even from the same batch) varies ALOT. Also, the alcohol you might have drank, and the dehydration it might have caused also leads to terrible headaches the day after and might contibute to all the weird sh*t you were seeing.


One good stack is Ripped Fuel with E! :D Or so I have been told...

One thing that usually helps in recuperating (if your still at the club especially) is drink TONS of water, I mean TONS, so you will have to take a leak constantly and get the sh*t out of your system.

ripped fuel is really powerful and make you feel really horrible, like an overdose of no-doz, especially if you're smaller. hydroxycut is a little weaker, but perfect for my friends and i.

yes you should drink lots of water, but there is such a thing as drinking too much water. just go w/ whatever feels natural - don't force water down your throat if you're feeling full.

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We rolled at home, so we were drinking lots of water and Gatorade, we had the air on and the windows open and we weren't dancing b/c we could barely even move. Maybe it was b/c we took them so close together - 1st at 9:30, 2nd at 11:30 and 3rd at 1:00. We didn't drink and we've taken that many before and not had this problem. I think that they had DXM in them (which explains the hallucinations.) Def. gonna be more careful next time. Thanks for all your help and advice guys! Will I see any of you at PVD on 11/24?

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Originally posted by vicman

bring some of 'dem pills and we can conduct the experiment then!

:D :D :D

I will donate my body in the name of science. We can do a graduated test, too. Vic, you take three and try to reproduce what Lizard saw. I'll take 5 and see what would happen then. We can compare notes afterwards.

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I will donate my body in the name of science. We can do a graduated test, too. Vic, you take three and try to reproduce what Lizard saw. I'll take 5 and see what would happen then. We can compare notes afterwards.


Hmmm..interesting idea there ShadyGroove...determining differences in potency and the effects they might have on human behavior....any other people would like to volunteer in the name of science?

If not we would then have to duplicate the study an indefinite number of times in order to reach conclusive results. I will get to work on the conceptual framework and submit it for review to the well respected scientific and medical community to receive their feedback on this, really, groundbraking study that would have scientific implications for the medical community....

Further studies could include combination therapy, i.e. the green pills with alcohol and ripped fuel (or Stacker2, or Xenadrine, or all 3).. the possibilities are endless!!!!!!


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yup, you can buy ripped fuel at GNC. Its an herbal stimulant made out of ephedrine, caffiene and salacin (asprin) all the good stuff little boys need to grow healthy and wise...

bodybuilders usually take it 30min to an hour before a work out to get more energy, and its one hell of a fat burner especially if yo take it on an empty stomach and then do aerobic excercise..its basically the same concept for xenadrine, stacker2, diet fuel...

I should have gone to phramacology school

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It has enough caffiene to kill a cow!

2 caps of RF (the recommended serving size) has the same amunt of cafeeine as 5 red bulls...plus the Red Bull doesnt have ephedrine which makes RF even more intense and it isn loaded with sugar which kinda defeats the purpose of a fat burner type of stimulant since they work much better on an empty stomach.

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