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Post-breakup relationships?

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Its impossible in my mind (but this is just one mans broken heart speaking here)lol.. you will never be able to look at the person the same way. Or act the same way again.. its never the same, its just an unpleasent feeling. how can u go "hang out" with your ex? You certainly can't do the things you did b4 the breakup! (being physical etc etc.). My former girl and me aren't best of friends, she would like to chill alot, but i am not comfortable with it. so i blow her off. We do let each other know whats goin on in our life every couple weeks, thats as far as it goes...

As for you, do what ever feels comfortable. Your not me. maybe u can b friends with your X.

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It all depends on the individual(s)

and what kind of relationship you both had..

I just went through the most heart breaking ordeal seperating with my EX a few months ago..

Only to reunite in the best friendship I've ever had.

we both love each other and forgave each other for many things and are now living in different places..

(We use to live together for five years)

We still spend time together and are physicaly involved but we are

living an open ended friendship that gives each other both space and freedom..

After all the great years we had together it's impossible for each other to stay bitter at each other for too long..

It takes time man.

Give her space and if she ever cared about you she'll swing around to keep you in her life..

If only just to be around you!

But like I said,

Everyone's different~

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Mugz is right...everyone's different.

I just got out of a 5-year relationship where I was best friends with her for two years before we even started dating. We thought we could pull off being just friends because we had such a long history of just being friends...

Every time we'd get together to hang out, we'd just end up slipping and it would get physical. Now she's in therapy and not talking to me...go figure. :(

good luck...

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It's definitely possible but it always depends on the relationship itself and on the maturity of both partners. I've been in a 6 years relationship and when we broke up it wasn't because we didn't love eachother anymore. We broke up cause we had changed on the way and we wanted to give eachother the space and freedom to further develop and not being limited by the other one. We always knew that we would be there for eachother as friends...and that's exactly what we are. We don't see eachoter that often but every time I go home to see my parents (usually 2 times a year) I meet up with my ex and since 1.5 years now also with his girlfriend. I don't have any problem to see him with someone else but yes it took us both a while. Still, I do think it is possible...especially after long-term relationships as you've shared such a long time together and usually know the other person really well. If the break-up wasn't bad or anything...why should you lose the person as someone you've shared soooo much with??? Anyway...I always tried to stay friends....at least with the people that meant a lot to me and didn't treat me badly or anything...I definitely think it is worth it and I wouldn't want to miss some of them in my life.

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I have maintained pretty good friendships with my X's

Nothing like calling me on a daily basis but you know the call to check up how are u doing and all. I think if your mature enough to just put the past behind you, yea u can defnitaly become friends, but i mean if u had a really really intense relationship i think it can be a bit harder. I dunno it really all depends on the people

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